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freshwater eel and jar


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i saw a cheap eel forsale

baby eel

jsut the river eels you get here

are they aggressive?

can they mix with a jardinii

i know these things are extremely resilient

thats not the issue

im afraid they will attack my jardinii and albino senegalus

any feedback

should i get this eel? cos when it gets bigger, it would be cool to have swim around with the jar and bichir

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i saw a cheap eel forsale

baby eel

jsut the river eels you get here

are they aggressive?

can they mix with a jardinii

i know these things are extremely resilient

thats not the issue

im afraid they will attack my jardinii and albino senegalus

any feedback

should i get this eel? cos when it gets bigger, it would be cool to have swim around with the jar and bichir

Talking about the ones on trademe? Native eels

I have one here, you can have a look at it when you come down

They are cold water and are slow growing

You could keep on in walmish water if you introduce them slowly, but i would not do this

Got my one and tank of the seller on trademe, some 12year old girl lol

I would hit buynow if i could pick them up, but yeh im not driving a few hours for some cold water eels

Talk more later, cooking on the bbq right now

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i just looked into them

eels are very adaptable

eels can survive out of water for hours at times

in fact there have been stories

eels from nz shipped to japan in a container, frozen slowly and thawed slowly there

some of them still alive and well

they grow slowly

unless fed purely beef and high protein stuff

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would mixing this with axolotl be ok?

or will it kill the axolotl?

I suspect the Axo would try and eat a small eel, a large eel would eat an Axo for sure :-?

As teenagers we used to fish for big ones in the local streams. Best bait was a possum and they would latch onto it and do a crocodile style death roll to rip pieces off :o A 10kg Eel can generate a bit of force, and a few even got away with the possum :lol:

Best tankmates for a small eel are probably some biggish goldfish.

This fellow is about 90cm long and lives down the bottom of my garden. The neighbour feeds it lumps of raw chicken so it's got pretty tame.




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lol, or you can go to western springs... :roll:

MASSIVE fat eels... although there are signs saying "no fishing" in english and chinese... why chinese? RACISM I SAY!

Most definately racism, I mean really, why only include fish? Shouldn't the Chinese part cover all 'races' and say "No taking fish, eels, ducks, or any other animals"? :lol: :wink:

Only joking, I have plenty of chinese/asian friends and they all have a sense of humor....

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Sorry it upsets you..

But at a guess the last guy they caught fishing there was Chinese, claimed he couldn't read English, and they had to let him off?

Which option do you choose.

Everyone in NZ must learn to read English before they move here?

Arrest the Chinese guy for fishing, not being able to read the sign is no excuse. Or let him off cos he cant read the sign?

Put up a sign in 2 languages (or more)

Which is the (more) racist policy?

Again I'm not having a go at you, but there would be a reason it was put there :-?


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I remember seeing on the news a few years ago, the Auckland council was having a lot of trouble with Chinese people taking ducks, eels, fish, plants etc from public parks. Thus the sign is needed in both English and Chinese. I can't stand people who cry racism at the drop of a hat. Get over it!

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lol NOT EVEN, hahaha, i dont really mind, pretty racist myself, always said that jokes are only funny if they are either R18 or racist. ahaha, i say slap the man caught eeling over the head with the eel... its just saying its like one of those things like boy racers... the minority letting the rest down ( i admit ive taken undersized snapper home, attempting to keep it in my tank...)

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Iv had eels as pets before but I found they kept taking bites out of the other fish.

That'll be because they're a predatory fish then.

But like any predator, you can keep them with things that they are unable or won't try to eat. Another eel is a good start.

Or a live possum. Apparently.

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