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I did the unthinkable and put shop brought stock in my tank. Now i have white sopts everywhere. (on fish)... Obviously i have to treat the whole tank, but is the white spot treatment ok for bristlenoses and corys?? Its the wunder cure stuff. I also have meth blue if thats better to use. Thanks :bow:

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Thanks for the info, have raised the temp to 28, no carbon filter, just filter wool, will i have to change it or just rinse as usual? Understand about having a quarantine tank but all tanks are full atm. Took a risk and my others fish are paying for it. me too.

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I have used plastic bins for fish when I haven't had room. They work ok. the only unfortunate thing is that it makes it difficult to see how they're really looking cause you can't see them side on.. but you would know if they were behaving normally or scratching if nothing else.

I will NEVER add another fish to my tank without quarantine again. Even now I'm sitting here watching a couple of mine flash!! They've been scratching off and on for months and months now and I've gone through a full course of treatment for flukes and a full course of treatment of wunder cure!!! I've gotten to the point where I think I'm never going to buy new fish again because I don't want to add any bugs to my tank!!!

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I've gotten to the point where I think I'm never going to buy new fish again because I don't want to add any bugs to my tank!!!

Yup i know how you feel. :x I just wish i had ........................ ah well too late now.

Theres so many contradicting info on here about how to dose, when to water change etc. I have added the 1st dose of wunder cure, do i dose everyday then do a water change on the 3rd day? or do i water change on 3rd day then dose again etc. ??

I managed to save 2 cory eggs from being eaten by the community and they have hatched tonight too. Theyre in a floating container in the affected tank. they'll just have to tough it through this.

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I read somewhere to dose every day for 3 days with 25% water changes before each new treatment (probably on here somewhere!). For white spot you'd have to keep repeating that.. put I presume you'd need a break in between? Hang on actually...I have a bottle of Blue Circle 'white spot cure' as opposed to wonder cure... I'll go check....

ok.. that one says 1 treatment should be sufficient!! (yeah right!) otherwise repeat every 3 days for a maximum of 3 treatments. Do not do more than 3 consecutive treatments unless a complete water change is done between 3rd and 4th treatment.

Hope that helps. Good on you for spotting it quickly though!

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ok, so the white spots have gone, i did a gravel vac, topped up with water of same temp, added more wunder cure (second dose). Just wondering now what do i do about the filter wool?? Wont i have to change it completley? I havent got a spare tank to run some through but i have got some stress zyme that apparently adds bacteria (used for setting up new tanks) Or should i just give the current wool a darn good rinse? The fish are all happy as the corys are still laying and the guppies are still popping fry out. Have hatched 2 wee corys and managed to net another 10 eggs today whilst filling the tank up.

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well, update. the white spot has well and truly gone. did 3 treatments with gravel vacs inbetween. All happy ect. then i got home from work sunday morning about 12am. turned the lights on to have a looksie.............. :o one of the corys was real pale. (What now???!!!) then i noticed my WCMM very pale, the 3 male gups lifeless and pale. (one was resting on a leaf) HMMMM thought about it........ :o :oops: I hadn't turned the heater back down. My thermometer obviously wasnt working right, i got hubbys multi-meter and yep, 28*. So there i was at 12.30am doing a small cool water change. Just enough to bring it down to 27 then turned the heater down to 25 (normal) OMG i cant believe i almost cooked the fish. But thankfully they were all ok in the morning.

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it was over a week. Thats the only thing i could think of that would make them pale and lifeless. ?? The gourami were all ok and didnt seem to be acting any different. Perhaps the temp was more during the day??? but as i was working fri night, sat morning, sat night, i didnt really pay much attention to the fish. Ive noticed my smaller tank gets a couple of degree higher in the warm days.

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