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Bucket full !

Johannes Visser

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lol im not even going to bother counting them! Theres lots lol probably more than what is imported in nz yearly! Well done.. Is that from one female? do yours hold full term or do they need to be stripped early and tumbled?

This was from three of our females only 7-8cm in size, they always spawn 2 days apart, and spit at 15-18 days Its great as we can raise a large batch!

Oh my gosh...they are all swimming in the same direction

They have been training for the fish Olympics, or playing follow the leader, LOL, Just kidding the water was swirling they were just going with the flow!

So whats the prize if we guess correctly???????lol

Thanks for donating the prices living art ! :D

love the competition

1st prize a bucket of convict fry

2nd prize 2 buckets of convict fry

Some were very close or correct the answer is in fact 149 Fry

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lucky no one got it as i don't even own a convict :oops: :oops:

Dont worry livingart Im sure those of us who own 1 or more convict pairs, will gladly have your back and chuck you one or two of our spare buckets of convict fry, and I dont even think we'd notice any were missing!! LOL!!!

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lol im sure theres 148 I put it in paint and stuck a dot on each one as I counted it :)

Thats heaps of babies, I cant believe you can get them to spawn at that size? How big is your male, I have 12-13cm females that wont hold, mind you my male is small, and I thought I was doing well with 17 out of my demasoni today first time she's held :)

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This is the male he s 10cm the females are no bigger than 7-8cm This is their third spawn, we were amazed that all three spawn are 2 days apart every time! We bought 10 aroung a year ago at LPS size 4cm !


Females in the holding tank where they spit.

We don't bother to count our Electra's Fry due to there been 2 males and 10 females :lol:

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wow they are small fish I have done reading and it suggested they dont mature until 15cm's! So I was putting the fact mine weren't successful to that, my males around 12-13cm's and he is not interested in even breeding with the females think he needs to grow up, but I guess its like everything depends on the individual fish yours obviously mature faster..

10 electra females? You must have alot of tanks to grow all the babies up and hold them until they sell? Or do you use alot of them as food?

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