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Yea ive got a few other kinds. I have Striatum, Gold australe, clown killies, Rachovii fry (week old) and 1 x 5 hour old Palmqvisti fry lol (more will hatch overnight im hoping) Ive also got three other species in peat (eggs) that i will be hatching around new years time

Ive also got eggs from the golds shown in the pics, and eggs from my striatum

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Ill see if i can borrow flatmates one when she gets home. I have some nice p82s

I wish i had a brine shrimpp setup, that is what is next on the list. Then i will be hatching the korthouse yellows and palmiqsti (cant spell) and eggersi eggs i have

Is there any special lense or anything required to take photo of fish?

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Nah its just your standard old camera, and i stick it on Macro mode. Sometimes i use the flash as i find it focus' better, but without the flash it shows the fishes colours better

As for the brineshrimp, i just went and got some salt water this morning. Been wanting BBS for ages but have never got round to it. finally bought some yesterday :D Got 5 palmqvisti fry that hatched out last night, plus 12 Rachovii that i got from Erling to feed now 8)

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Wow, great picks and what neat little fish!

I dont know much to just about anything about Killies but from what I have seen of pic's they have a show of such great colors, and are just right off the scale for how pretty they are, yours is just a prime example, and I would love to know more about them.

If you dont mind me asking, from your experience, what are they like to keep? I see that the are all beautiful little critters, but what are they like personality wise, temperament and over all character? Also do they have any special need, eg are they a schooling fish or happy solo. Honestly just any info would be cool as they are a species I am seriously looking at for our next setup.

As I say any info would be welcome about these little guys and definately more pics, so thanks for the chance to see a neat little example and I look forward to hearing/seeing more.

All the best, KB

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Killies are awesome little fish, with lots of personality. This little guy for example is always wondering what you are doing, and quite often peaks at you from under his spawning mop. you can almost see him thinking to himself 'what is that kid doing?' lol. They are fairly easy to keep, like coolish water (21-24 degrees) and prefer a low to neutral pH. I keep mine in trios for breeding, but they will be fine by themselves, in pairs, trios or even groups. Non-Annuals like the australe in the photos are easy to breed, and will readily lay eggs non-stop if they have somewhere suitable to lay, and are happy. The annual killies (which IMO are even more beautiful then the Non-annuals) are harder to breed and sometimes have a lower life expectancy, but it is a great feeling hatching eggs out from peat that has been dried for 3 months, and even having your own ones lay in peat. I would recommend Non-Annuals to beginners as they are easy to breed, and usually last a bit longer than the annuals. Killies will do fine in a community tank, but are often better in species/breeding tanks by themselves.

If you want to know anything more, just ask. Or if you want to you could google and read some articles about them etc. theres some good ones out there. happy to help you out

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Thanks so much for that, what great info!!

They definatly sound like a contender for our next set up, as all our tanks that are communities, are too warm for them by the sounds, we keep ours at the 26-28deg mark.

So for setting up their tank what sorts of environment do they like, eg: planted, non planted, rockeries, river wood etc, and what are good companion fish to keep with them as we try to have some sort of cleaners in each of our tanks, for example, we have pleco's in out big tank and cats in our smaller tank, so what would work for killies? Also if you have any idea on any other companion fish to create a community atmosphere.

I am so very greatfull for your time and help, as I find research on the net good, but it doesnt always net you the exact answers to your questions and is never as good as personal experience.

I am really looking forward to hopefully getting into keeping these guys, they sound like a blast!

All the best KB. :D:D:D :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :D:D:D:bow::bow::hail::hail: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :D:D:D :D :D:D

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They do love planted tanks, but most breeding tanks are just a bare tank with a spawning mop and they are happy in that too. If you were going to do a killie community tank then it would be best to make it planted, with some fine leaved plants and even some java moss or something, as they will most probably breed (thats if you have males and females) and they prefer mops of moss to do it in. The fry have a higher chance of survival in a planted tank as they have heaps of places to hide from hungry mouths. Bristlenose are good cleaners, along with Corys, and you can pretty much put them in with any other community fish, such as guppys, tetras, pencilfish, rasboras and dwarf cichlids. I have 2 spare female korthausae yellows (which look sorta like guppys lol) in a 350L community tank with guppys, bristlenose, corys, hoplos, kribensis (plus their hundreds of fry) harlequins, golden pencilfish, tetras and a fighter. They are sweet with alot of fish, as long as they arent major fin nippers, and the killies cant fit in their mouths.

If you are really keen to get some killies, id Join the NZKA (NZ killifish association) and you will get some wicked deals on some wicked killies, plus you get other bonuses such as an awesome monthly newsletter, becoming a member of the FNZAS and you can meet up with heaps of killie enthusiasts around the country, and trade eggs and fish. We are hopefully going to be setting up a Website very soon too which will be updated often with fish profiles and info, eggs and fish for sale, upcoming events, helpful links and much much more.

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WOW guys, thank you so much for all the great info and help, it is definatley on the cards for the near future for the next venture!!~!

I would also love to take up Barries offer to come and see everything first hand, I'm not too sure when but I can PM to work something out with him.

Again everyone, thanks so much, It just never ceases to amaze me just how kind every one is here!


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