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who's got the cheapest bloodworms in Chch??


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Bloodworms are cultured in large outdoor ponds overseas full of god knows what.. I definitely wont ever introduce whatever nasties they have in them into my tank.. Cracks me up that some people go to the hassle of quarantining new fish, boiling rocks/wood but will happily pour them in..

Also something that soo many people world wide are severely allergic to (sometimes even as far that it almost kills them) cant be good..

I know they have been used for food for years and probably will always be, but to me its just not worth the hassle/risk..

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I feed bloodworms and always will. I used to breed 50,000 fish a year and they were mainly raised on LIVE tubifex which we used to get ourselves from the river. You have no idea what they are feeding on. I never had any problems in all those years and every fish keeper in town used to buy them from the pet shops to feed their fish. Maf banned me from sending tubifex to the North Island because they claimed that they would spread whirling disease. Maf thought they came from the oxydation ponds at the sewage works and no one would correct them because we were all making too much money pulling them out of the river. Whirling disease is indemic in this country and is often on some types of fish routinely imported. Te Waihora (lake ellesmere) is full of blood worms and I have never seen any of the locals falling over and I worked in that area for many years. I don't think maf would allow them to be imported if there were viable nasties in there.

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Could someone educate me in what diseases and nasties are spread to fish and humans fom frozen bloodworms. The only disadvantages I find are that some fish are not as keen on frozen food as live food and that any live (or dead) food can increase the nutrient in the water and cause problems with algae. The joys of live food eating killies and plant growing. If I could get a good, continuous and easily obtained supply of live bloodworms or tubifex I would be into it like a proverbial.

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No I know exactly what bloodworms are.. I have done research and although I haven't found any scientific evidence (have heard it exists but cant find it wading through the internet) as to why they're bad.. It is a fact that there are many many people worldwide that are severely allergic to them some of them so bad they walk into a shop thats fed them in the last few days and they cant breath... As I said people will keep feeding them as they always have and thats cool :)

I guess everyone has their reasons and to me its just not worth the risk, who knows I could be caught on a fad that someone started but I'm sweet with what I'm feeding at the moment and im sure everyone that uses bloodworms is happy also :)

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I dont think we are confused

I dont believe BLOODWORMS are a good for fish

A leading vet here in Australia did a study on the effects of fish being feed Bloodworms

He found although the meaty substance of the worm was being digested the exoskelton was wasnt

This ended up causing blockages to smaller fish and fish with smaller intestines

As a whole its not a nutritious diet for any fish

Why risk feeding it in large amounts when they are numerous higher quality foods avail.?


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