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A worm that makes parts of fish swell up?


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I have one male blue emperor tetra that i got from hollywood a while back. It came with a white wormy looking thing attached to its front bottom fin. In the past few months it has migrated to various areas on the fishes body each time making that part swell up. It was first on its fin which made it all bent, then moved to his left eye which made his eye MASSIVE!! Currently its on his lower lip which is now also HUGE. Each time the part swells up, it looks like there is a little white worm or something contained within the swelling. It doesn't appear to bother the fish too much as it is still feeding normally and still being very cocky but I just wanted to know what it is??


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I agree It could be any number of parasites - Flukes,Anchorworm, lice or Ichthyobodo. You could try a salt bath treatment. 1% for 30 mins to start if you have other fish best to treat the whole tank with a preparation for parasite from you LFS copper sulphate/formalin based. many parasites are self reproducing and reproduce fast.

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