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When talking about "school's" of say tetra's, i'e; "best in school's of at least ten", is it ok for that "school" to be made up of different type's of tetra??

I'm planning on getting a school of cardinal's or rummy nose for my new tank but have some "left over" ( :oops: ) neon's in my smaller tank and was wondering if they would be ok with my planed new fish??

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I find that with my neon tetras, they school when the numbers are low.

I had 20 at the start, they never really school that much, just hanging around loosely in my tank.

But then I thought it was too many, so I sold 10 of them, and now they always school.

Also because I took some tall plants out, so less shade and they probably feel less safe.

So they only school when not feeling 100% safe I think.

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How much each species schools varies. Some are more inclined than others to do so but, as said, all do it when stressed.

Harlequins look at their best when in a group of 20 or more. Their colours are stunning. You never get to see them at their best when you only have a few of them.

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