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Killies in planted tank?


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Hey guys!

So i picked up a little 18L jebo from trade me with the intention of possibly turning it into a Killie breeding setup (for Fundulopanchax nigerianus-saw them for sale on T/M- (I think from Aquanut?) And really liked the look of them. Just in the stage of reading up on keeping them at the moment and have figured that to breed them I will also need yet ANOTHER tank to grow out the fry in...which in all honesty I don't really have the room for, unless I convince the boy to let me have some tanks in our bedroom! 8) (It may yet work...)

Anyway-that aside-from what I have read the F.nigerianus is quite a peaceful species of killies with less cannabalistic tendencies than most...so i was thinking, (in the meantime at least before I manage to find room for a grow out tank..) of setting up the tank as a densely planted nano, with a pair of killies and maybe a small bristlenose. Tank would have a DIY (yeast/sugar mix, coke bottle and airstone) CO2 system and have an extra light placed over it to bring up the total WPG.

My hope is that through luck the killies may spawn in the plants as opposed to on mops and hopefully if the planting is dense enough, at least some of the fry might make it through! (I've heard it does happen occasionally :D ) What do you guys think? Will it be ok to add CO2 to the tank if it has killies in it (ie, are they particularly sensitive to it or not as far as gas exchange goes...) And will they be sweet with the extra light?

Any comments you might have will be welcomed, Cheers!

Tash :D

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Does anyone use tank dividers in situations like that?

keep the fry on one side and the parents on the other?

Actually was it Billaney who put up a pic once that was basically a very large 'fry basket' that was in his tank (Like a supersize breeder net? You'd either move the mops into the safe area before stuff hatched or catch what fry you could when you spot them?

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I added Flourish Excell on Thurs to control the Black Beard and lost over night a healthy looking N Palmqvisti... cant blame the Flourish and it was the only Killi to meet its maker but if others had that problem I would have to start thinking that maybe.....

This was in my community tank inside, the one that has only Killis in it

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exactly as the directions state...

not blaming Flourish but worthy of a mention just incase someone else has a similar problem

I honestly doupt that Flourish has a thing to do with it but as stated, worth mentioning as the Killi had been in the tank since the end of July (about 7 weeks?)

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On a similar line I did a 50% water change the other day and noticed the water was getting quite gree so added algae rid (for the first and last time) and all the fish (killies and siamese algae eaters went straight to the top with lots of heavy breathing. Three days later, killies are fine and algae eaters are turtle tucker. It didn't worry clown loaches. We live and learn---slowly it seems

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Interesting Alan

I have a problem with 2 tanks that I breed in and put some in yesterday. The one with Albion Gardneri cleaned up within a few hours with no problems to the Gardneri and the other has a Fighter in it and an improvement but not gone. The fighter is fine though.

will try to remember to let you know how the 2nd treatment goes

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