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Blue Dempseys


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Anyone else been beguiled by these guys. I had been looking for some top fish to go over some plecs that are growing up. I got four , all about 4cms sand real little characters. Curiously checking out every nook and cranny of their home.

Got these shots of net as haven't bothered them with my camera yet, but my juvis look exactly like these two, and 2nd shot of Adult. Actually got them as the breeding program is interesting



http://bluejax.co.uk/default.aspx- Found this site which is a great background on them

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Hey Ryan

At the moment they are in a 90ltr tank with 1/2 dozen blue tera and over some plecs, just to grow them up.

They're meant to be way more docile than regular Jacks and best not with the super aggressives like Jaguars, texas etc, but ok with salvinis etc. They will when they are ready go into a 135ltr tank which currently hold demasoni, yellow labs and a few female peacocks.

So them in planted tank with something like yellow or white convicts, would be cool(if I could find the covicts), or even jewel cichlids with their red. Seems that big enough and fast enough tetras as dither fish are used also.

Have to wait and see I guess. I will need a regular JD which I'd get when they got bigger if I want to breed.

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Yeah thats some awesome colours thats for sure.. Do you need to breed them with a JD? I had heard that blue dempsey's were on the list but thought they were just the jack dempsey's..

Breeding sounds interesting.. If you dont mind me asking how much did you pay for them? It sounds like an interesting challenge and experiment in breeding them.

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Definitely paid a lot less than the price at Animates. One of the benefits of building up a good relationship with a Little LFS, as they will get such fish in and settle for a lot less mark up.

Yeah I will in the future need a regular JD. Ideal is to breed blue boy with regular JD girl.

Those offspring are all regular JD's but carry recessive blue gene ( I think they're calling them blue green JD's or BGJD.

A BGJD is then bred with EBJD, (electric blue JD), and of those fry 50% are the blue variety. The first step is to get some of the BGJD going and thats got to be nearly a year away with the size of these guys. I'm not sure if two blues will even breed, or if they do all fry are 'regulars'.

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if you put 2 pure white canaries together you have a chance of losing 50% of the chicks as there is a lethal gene in this recessive trait

i think you probably could put 2 blues together and breed them, depending on the gene you should get all or mostly blue young, the only thing is you dont probably know how much line breeding or inbreeding has gone on to produce them

breeding to a normal is the longer way round but maybe safer

with 4 fish you maybe able to try both combinations of pairing but you will need to keep track of what is what in the young

others more experienced may be able correct me if im wrong

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LOL. Two boys and two girls. If only I could be so lucky!!. But yeah this would be a great outcome especially with being able to breed a new/different male with the 'blue genotype' offspring. I'll definitely contemplate straight blueXblue breeding- would make an interesting control if nothing else.. By the time these guys are ready to go, there will no doubt be double the info available.

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They're certainly cool and very different fish good luck with the breeding program let everyone know how you get on ill be very interested, would be keen on starting my own if I wasn't buying too many fish at the moment (due to go overseas soon) really sucks because I have 10 empty tanks in the fishroom would be good for a project like this!

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lol yeah I can just imagine the amount of crap ill get for asking permission to go and look at fish.. Theres a newsletter they send home to family and that I would be coined the crazy fish guy or something..

Im not looking forward to the herc trip it was 9 hours to Syndey when I flew there on it luckily I think were flying via aussie..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got camera out tonite. This is the 4cm little male who thinks he own the boss, which he does over smaller siblings and tetras.

I notice that some more have come onto the market. Older and slightly bigger but not nearly as vibrant as the smaller ones that came on the market earlier. I love these guys -real characters and still too small too realise they should be meaner.


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