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water test's on a new tank.........


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not sure if i'm doing something wrong or my result's are a good or bad thing? Question is i'm trying to cycle my new tank and so far all my nitrate, nitrite and ammonia result's have been 0ppm. Have been testing every day but nothing seem's to be changing?? p.H move's around a bit but that's about it. The tank has only had fish in it for a week so am I expecting change too soon? Tank is 80x40x70. Is it safe to add more fish?? :-?

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Largish tank, small fish, the ammonia level may be below what your test kit can measure.

Thats a GOOD thing :)

I would leave those fish in there for another week, if readings are still zero, then it's safe to add some more. Plan on taking 6 weeks to fully stock a new tank.

Many people cycle their tank with fish, and if you take it slow then there shouldn't be any big ammonia spike and no dead fish. The problem comes about if you buy a new tank and drop 20 big fish in :o Sounds like you are doing things right.



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That's good then! Was starting to think I was testing wrong or something?! The tank is planted although these are relativly new also, and died off a bit (have pcked up again now) so was cautious of rotting leave's ect. All the fish seem to be loving there new home and if anything have picked up and are a bit more lively in there which I suppose is a good thing!?

I'll just keep taking thing's slowly and keep monitoring thing's as I go. May even put some pic's up as the plant's are starting to take off now! Thanks to all for your help!

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Ha ha, yeah I agree with that alan! I have got some bogwood in there. Can this alter p.h? I am also using some "bio chem" in my filter which I was told would help with the wood in regard's to tannin's ect. Am planning on doing some more test's this afternoon so will post results.

Also how often would you recommend water change's considering test's (so far!) have been all ok and with a light fish load?

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Yes, bogwood can alter the pH a little. The tannins that leach from the wood are acidic so will cause the pH to drop. It shouldn't be enough to cause any problems, and many fish prefer slightly acid water, ph 6-7. It can also stain the water brown or yellow, a bit like weak tea, again this wont harm the fish either.

Water changes.. with the fish you have there now you probably need to do a partial water change every 6 months at least :lol:

Seriously, I would just start whatever routine you are going to use use, 20% per fortnight is probably sensible. Then check your water, especially the Nitrate level after a few months. If it's creeping up, do more water changes, if it's still low, you can ease off (or get a couple more fish ;) )



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