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Tank was unplugged for a while and fish arnt looking great.


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I just realised that our 3foot tank has been unplugged for a while( could be anywhere between 10 and 1 hours ago) and some of the fish arent looking too great.on the thermometer it says 20 degrees.One of the puffers fins wassnt moving and my albino female kribensis has both its eyes sticking out. I have done a warm waterchange.its now at 22.the puffer is looking fine now after a feed of bloodworms.Is there anything else i can do to help the krib?

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Not much you can do other than leave them be. dont try to put in hot water as it will stress them even more because the temperature will be going up and down and everywhere. Just let the heater slowly bring the temp up and sit it out. Do water changes daily if possible once tank is back to normal to keep the water clean and hopefully the fish will be sweet

As smidey said though.... I used to do big water changes on my planted tank with the hose and it would drop to like 19 degrees and the fish loved it.....

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A huge change in water temp affects some fish alot more the others

Even though the fish you have started should be fine with it they still wouldnt like it

What filtration do you have on that tank?

A canister will have started to die and will cause an ammonia spike so keep an eye on it and do regular small water changes


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I am more with the water quality as the filters have been off. Water change would of helped, as shown by the puffers recovery. The chances are if filters are off during the day, oxygen levels would of depleted in the water.

The krib wouldn't have come down with pop eye that quickly either. It is usually linked to bacterial infections, ie; poor water & food quality etc.

Frenchy :D

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i had the heater in my tank (when it was still in my care) un pluged for like 3 weeks and didnt notice... opps silly me... thats the problm wif me lol jokz... but that was in summer and i just realised that its winter back home. sorry.

but all my fish were fine andstill going strng now.

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id just be worried about an am onia spike.. with the filter being off, bacteria die, then when you turn your filter back on it pumps the tank full of them then as they breakdown your ammonia will shoot through the roof!! (not that ive had any experiance with that :oops: )

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neither have I :oops: :lol:

Power cuts can be a problem here in summer. Just glad most storms are at night, therefore damage is minimal. Oh, I do have about 5 battery air pumps just in case.

A tip for fish keepers, in times of black outs etc, these are life savers. Everyone should have one, handy for moving fish to.

Frenchy :D

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The chances are if filters are off during the day, oxygen levels would of depleted in the water.

What does the time of day have to do with the oxygen levels????

So, approximately, how long (with the power off) before the bacteria dies in hang ons?


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Plants give off oxygen in the daytime but use it up at night.

But, cooler water holds more oxygen than warmer water I think. So if the heater was off overnight the plants would have used up some oxygen, but the cooler water might have offset that a bit??

(Have I got that right?)

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