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My partner and I started a new Tank setup some 14 weks ago and all is well so far...

Tank- Aqua One 980


6 Cardinal Tetras

6 Rummy Nose Tetras

6 Glow Ligyt Tetras

4 Pristella Tertras

4 Bristlenoses

4 Yo Ya Loaches

2 Gurami's

5 Discus

2 khuli Loaches

Fish added sort of every 2 weeks per species...

I do weekly water changes 25%, Amonia,Nitrites,Nitrates seem to always be at 0 ppm, Ph 6.8 and water temp between 27-28 deg...

No fatalities as yet...(touch wood)

Are we lucky that we hav'nt had a fatality as I have read that new tank setups seem to be a problem, I have also read that Discus should'nt be in a community tank?(after we had bought them).

The only problem we encounterd was when we added 2 red tailed sharks and they chased each other round non stop...we took one back to LFS and then the other shark turned and shased everything else in the tank, subsequently he went back to LFS too.

Any comments on our setup appreciated.

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IMO you probably avoided big losses by stocking your fish slowly which is the way to do it, well done.

Discus are fine in a community tank, you just gotta pick the right tankmates for them :wink: Your list looks ok to me, the cardinals and rummies are perfect with discus. Some people dont like mixing gouramis with discus so just keep your eye on them and the yoyo loaches- sometimes they can hassle other fish.

The main problem with adding other fish is heat tolerance as not all fish like 28ish degrees.

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Are we lucky that we hav'nt had a fatality as I have read that new tank setups seem to be a problem

Not good luck... good planning :wink:

Decent sized tank, start with just a few small fish and gradually build up the numbers, no problems.

Choice of fish sounds good, now the Red Tail sharks are gone anyway. They aren't really that bad, but should be kept with more boisterous tank mates. I am still thinking about getting one for my big tank, but it will be in with a gang of tiger barbs, Kribensis and bigger plecos. Shouldn't cause much of a problem in there.

Discus require better water conditions than many other fish, but as long as you can keep the water quality up they will be fine with the other fish you have. Also the higher temp rules out some species, but again the ones you have can handle 28 deg.

Oh, and I 2nd getting a couple more kuhli loaches, they are really cool and are much more sociable when in a bigger group.



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