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Newbie with a community tank!


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I have a 160L tank (not bad for a newbie :D )

My list for my tank is:

12 neon tetras {have 9}

6 kuhli loaches {have 3}

1 male betta

2 bleeding hearts

2 peppered corys

1 albino cory {have 1}

5 pearl danio

4 glass catfish

1 angel {have 1}

2 swordtail (males) {have 2}

1 bristlenose (male) {have 1}

4 serpae tetra {have 4}

1 golden algae eater {have 1}

2 emerald barbs {have 2} they dont cause trouble tho

2 dwarf gourmai {have 2}

does anyone see any problem with this???

Any comments will be greatly appreciated.

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My male betta is a grump and fights anyone who goes in his tank. I'm not sure they're a good community fish.

Algae eaters can be chasey at times too, so keep an eye on who yours decides to bully.

Cories are happier in larger groups of the same species, I'd say get yours at least 3 friends.

I think glass catfish need larger groups than 4 to be happy.

Yeah, nice size tank. I think some people might argue that you're over stocking though.

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maybe too many different fish I think...

You MIGHT be able to keep those fish in that tank, but many of them grow to decent size and will overcrowd the tank eventually.

If the fish you have are living together happily then maybe build up the numbers of them first, more neons and kuhlis wont cause problems. I just find that a decent school of most species looks better than a couple of strays in a community tank.



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If you get all those fish you will be overstocked. I agree with Alan re the golden algae eater too.

I would also not add a Siamese fighter to that mix.

2 bleeding hearts is not good as they are a shoaling fish.

Glass catfish are a mid water shoaling fish and are insectivores so their diet should include live foods as well.

The emerald barbs are also a shoaling species.

Try narrowing down your types of fish. A larger group of one type is more dynamic than lots of individual or pairs of several species.

Instead of 2 bleeding hearts, 5 pearl danios, 4 serpaes and 2 emerald barbs I would go for a 13 of the same species. They wil look much better.

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