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Warning to anyone who purchased neons from Animates CHCH


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Does anyone buy fish from Redwood out of curiosity or are they out of the way for most of you?

I haven't bought alot of fish personally.. but I've read bits on the net about what to look for before buying fish. They recommend scanning all the tanks and looking for dead fish, signs of stress or disease (like fish breathing too rapidly, fish being way too lethargic, scrathing/flashing etc, spots, etc etc...)

If you're happy with what you see then you're probably ok. If there seem to be problems, there's a higher chance that your fish will be unwell.

Animates runs specials I think is it tues/wed? 2 fish for the price of 3 I believe. This nomally makes them about the same price as they would be elsewhere!.. (ie: they're too expensive at their regular price).

Organism obviously gets heaps of votes. They update their stock list on here very regularly in the commercial trade and exchange and can really help you out. Their gear is priced pretty well too!

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Redwood is too far out for me, it would be cheaper for me to buy something from Animates considering the cost of petrol to get out to Redwood and the couple of times I have been there, they only had one staff member and it took ages to get served and they couldn't answer my questions about the fish that I wanted to buy, so I wasn't actually that impressed. I did like their marine displays though.

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I agree that the Blenheim Rd Critter Kingdom is terrible. The woman followed her eyes round at us like we were stealing or something!!! Tanks didn't seem so nice either. Organism is supurb. Redwood Aquatics always seemed great to me before I knew about Organism! But you're right, their service is slow and when I bought a 60L tank at xmas the guy told me it would be fine as a marine tank... ha ha ha... a few weeks later when we went to set up he had obviously changed his tune!

I often feel a bit stupid when asking questions at any of the shops, like ..

hang on gotta go save my rams eggs fromt he bristlenose!! ahhhhh

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I'm sotra new here, but heres what I think

Animates - Great service (pitty they'v got no idea what they'r talking about, hell they think a purebred + purebred = purebred) Fish over priced

Critter Kingdom - Service aint so great, tanks always look so so, and whats with all that java moss at Blenheim rd, and those display tanks at stanmore, OMG

Redwood - Next best place after Organism, I just wish that when there new fish came out of quarantine they actually had them out on display!

Pet World - used to be good, not now. The stores in the malls OMG

Organisim - the only thing john needs is a bigger store to fit a couple of couches and a coffee machine

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I went to Critter Kingdom on Stanmore yestreday and the tanks were immaculate. They also have a very new par out the back with lovely tanks set up with big cichlids, discus etc... even have a some type of big eastern dragon lizard! Worth a look in. But the young girl didn't know what she was talking about and the manager was a bit gruff and tried to talk to me like I didn't know what I was talking about.

Popped over to Moorhouse Animates and stood around for ages for one of the many staff to actually help. Didn't purchase anything cos I was too fuming by then to part with my money!!!

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I don't mind Critter Kingdom in Blenheim Road, but I guess we sort of got to know the people there after buying a siamese fighter + set-up. It was a little interesting (from my personal viewpoint) that we were able to take home the tank and fish on the same day, and they originally tried to sell us the small betta keepers which I think are awful. I also like looking at the fish in the Critter Kingdom in Stanmore Road, but I don't ask questions of the staff.

Animates is just useless, unfortunately they are the only place I can get to after work before they close so I still shop there quite a lot. After visiting Organism I don't think I'll ever buy plants or fish from Animates ever again, but if I'm in dire need of a product I'll still go there.

I used to love Pet World when I was a kid but the last couple of times I've been there the animals all looked so depressed/uncared for at the time I haven't been bothered going back since...

I love Organism now I've been introduced to it. Too bad I can only get there on the weekend.

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I was talking to a staff member at Animates Tower Junction about different types of danios and asked if she had seen the glo danios. She said she didn't think so, but they sounded beautiful and would see if they could get some if I wanted them. How clueless is that????? She also had not idea of what the fish were in some of the tanks.

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