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Lighting time


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I have two sets of light on two different timers. One set comes on at 7:30am and off at 7:30pm and another that coems on at 8:30am and off at 8:30pm. So i guess oyu could say i have two hours of half light and twelve of full light.

Seems to work for me as i am trimming plant every other day now.

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sweet, seem's i'm doing pretty much the same. What about the actual turning on and off of light's? Can it stun the fish in any way??

Suddenly turning on bright tank lights when it's dark can give some fish a heck of a fright, they may panic and injure themselves.

I usually turn on the lights after the room lights have been on for a few minutes, or it's daylight. Doesn't seem to give them such a fright.

More of an issue if you have the lights on timers - set them to come on after sunrise or the room lights come on.



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