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Filter Wool Suggestions


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Hi all

My new cold water marine aquarium Sump is chewing through filter wool at an astounding rate!!! :o

It works well (maybe too well) but within two weeks it is a solid brown colour and the water starts to back up behind it.

To date I have never tried to clean and reuse it (I have just dumped it and replaced with new wool) as I thought that to get the fine particles out of the middle of the wool would be next to impossible.

Can anyone suggest;

1. A method of cleaning.

2. An alternative to filter wool that is perhaps easier to clean and reuse, ie: machine washable...... or

3. A bulk supplier of filter wool.


Brent :)

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Go barefooted and hold it on the concrete path and blast it with the hose, turning it over till it shows no signs of dirt.

Works well, BUT remember that using the chlorinated water has killed all the good greeblies that were in it.

You can do this as often as you like till it starts to disintergrate.

Oh!! Your feet get a good clean too.

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Doesn't matter as much in a marine tank about getting rid of good bacteria Alan, Mechanical filtration isn't such a big deal (As long as you have a decent skimmer). Filter wool comes in big bales if you want to get more. Not sure where from. Micron filter bags are another idea. Attached to the overflow

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I have just been to Spotlight and what we call filter wool, they call it Wadding.

1.4m wide and selling for $8 a meter.

Problem solved.

Alan if your ever down this way you will have to give me a practical demonstration and then we could go out to the Cook Strait (South coast) to collect some more critters for my tank....barefoot :D

Speaking of the South Coast, the Island Bay Marine Education Center is having a free open day this Sunday from 10am to 4pm. Lots of fish, Octopus and rock pool critters to look at, an absolute must for the kids and fans of the sea.

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The only thing I get from down in the Cook Strait when I'm there are the mozzie larvae.

You guys are so spoilt with that source of food.

Just have to watch out for those angry fur-seals with cod-liver-oil breathe and dirty teeth.

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