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platy fry


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just wondering a few things on them...becuase im sure....in no time i'll be having some swimming around my tanks...


1. how many fry will the female have??

2. how big will they be (the fry)???

3. how long till i can give them to the lfs??

4. what to feed them??

5. how often to do water changes in an 8 gallon tank??

any answers would be appreciated...thanks


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1. the female can have up to 30-40 fry

2. they will be very small (about 1cm or less)

3. when they start getting there colours and are about 5cm+ otherwise they get used as feeder fish.

4. flake food (make sure you brake it up into little bits) or BBS or liquid fry food

5. i would do 1 about 1nc every 2/3 days :)


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  • 1 month later...
3. when they start getting there colours and are about 5cm+ otherwise they get used as feeder fish.



not meaning to contradict you , but just an observation, Ive had a platy once develeop distinctly rich red colouration when it was hardly1.5cm.

But on the other hand, I left it in a tank full of adults. That usually stunts their growth . So it could have been matured but stunted physically in size ?

Just curious .



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My platys are coloured at birth, ditto the swordtails.

LFS will take them when THEY think they can sell them,

at the size you have available.

I agree with separating from the parents and go another step, separate the bigger ones when about a month old.

Maximum water chage for maximum growth.

I read some where,

that every time you go past the tank, left to right, FEED them,

every time you go right to left past the tank, CHANGE the water.

On no account let the water become polluted with left over food.

This means ammonia, which means baby wipe-out.

Under-gravel filters are okay or a sponge filter, they wont suck up the babies.

You wont make big $$'s from them, so don't get your hopes too high.


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On a side note , if its only a fry grow out tank, dont even bother with gravel and UGF's. From my experience easier to siphon crap off the bottom when theres no substrate and usually a couple of sponge/corner filters should suffice.

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ill throw my question into this post as it's kinda related to the topic :D

i have platty/sword/guppy/bristlenose fry in one barebottom tank with a cornerfilter.

but getting the muck from the bottom without sucking up baby BN's is not so easy, as there are about 30 or so of them

any idea's of making waterchanges in this tank easier?

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  • 3 months later...
I disagree with CHRIS.L he said near the start of this forum, that platy have between 30 and 40 fry. I apologise for being picky about the subject but my platy tend to give birth to between 100-150 fry every 4 weeks.

I've never heard of a platy giving that much fry ?

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