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New Frontosa Tank Under Construction


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Hi All

Just finished glueing together my new tank

Nealy ready to move onto stand and setup for the Frontosas

size is 1800x700x700 made with 12mm glass.

Going to run a sump as well as a under gravel with power heads

hope the link to pictures turn out okay.


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Nice work on the overflow corner weir. I assume you'll be using a Durso Stand Pipe in there? I've heard a dual durso decreases sound, but it looks very difficult to get in there and make adjustements....unless that corner triangle is removable over the weir! Ah ha!

Well thought out and executed. Your fronnies will be very happy!

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They will expose the filter, making it not as effective.

Yeah that is a very good point, now my frons are getting older the alpha male enjoys pit digging.. and not just in one area, so you could end up having to cover the UGF all the time cichfanatic

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Thanks for your comments everyone

Yes Blueandkim the glass triangle on the top is removable to get to the overflow

Stand is ready to pickup this weekend

I’m okay with making glass fish tanks but not to good working with wood so tank stand I have bought from tough tanks they do a great job

Thinking maybe now not to use the under gravel filters

I had this idea in my head of mounting 2 of them 1 at each end of the tank but having them force water down under the filter sort of reverse to how they normally are setup

The thinking was that this would keep particles of waste that would normally settle on the gravel in the water to be picked up and filtered through the sump

Less maintenance with having to clean gravel

Has anyone tried this?

Will put more pics up as things come together

Thanks again for feedback

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Yes it would work. However if the fish dig and expose the UGF plate it won't work anywhere near as well. Also, it seems kind of pointless to clutter up the tank with more stuff when the sump can/will provide enough bio media, and will be more efficient. One of the reasons I love the sump set-up is that there's almost nothing in the tank, no heaters, pipes, wires etc. Just make sure the cabinet has plenty of room for a big sump with a big tower.

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hi there, another reason why you should not use undergravel filtration is that when they breed your eggs will be infertile as the boy will dig his pit to the tray she will lay her eggs and his fertilizing will be pulled away also could damage her eggs.


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  • 2 months later...

It’s been a while since the last post on my tank

Had no camera to update progress

Anyway borrowed one from a friend to take these pictures

The moving in and setting up’ what a mission

Had for guys helping but still had a mishap

Cracked one edge of bottom pane while moving it in

Emergency on the spot repairs fixed this and all is fine with no leaks.

Best part of having an aquarium has got to be the decorating

Creating hiding places and a natural environment for the inhabitants

Even though in this case manly just rocks used still great fun

Fish in tank are

8 Frontosa

4 Lamprologus Lelupi

2 Altolamprologus Compressiceps

4 Synodontis Multipunctatus I think hardly see them only at feed time

Will be selling off a few of the male Fronts when space in the tank becomes an issue

So I’m very happy now with the setup and fish seem to be just fine

Hope the picture links work ok

http://pets.webshots.com/photo/24077545 ... 0445qmZrqf

http://pets.webshots.com/photo/27432322 ... 0445SqulEp

http://pets.webshots.com/photo/29144114 ... 0445zTKzpk

http://pets.webshots.com/photo/22548519 ... 0445mBodlV

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What is wrong with using the egg crate covers from fluros to go above the U/G filter plates.

They can be set on the plates themseves or slightly above to give some extra depth.

The boys will only dig down to the crate and the U/G will still be working.

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Thats a good idea Alan.

I put my spray bay on the bottom of the tank then drilled an antispyhon hole at top. I then bulit my rockwork up around the spray bar so that water flow was diffused thru tank. (sorry no pics). This meant I had water movemnet at bottom of tank and debries were carried to weirs and prefiltered before going to sump. Also ment that warm water from sump was at bottom of tank and moved up to top of tank creating thermal lift to help crap go to top as well.

My 6 ft tank has 2 overflows plumbed to one sump and this is much less noisy than my tanks with one overflow.



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I caned the idea of the ugf and setup the tank with overflow into sump

As well I have a canister filter running just helps with keeping water clear and clean

The original idea was to setup a pump forcing water under and out through the gravel

This would keep gravel clean

I still like this idea but didn’t go down that track with this tank

I do know someone that did and using this system it is working fine

Still needs partial water changers but gravel seems to stay clean

No Gravel vac needed

Less maintenance and more time to enjoy the fish

The tank is full of mature Fronts that dig and breeding has taken place with no problems :D

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