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2 x 200 watt heaters - Enough?


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I've found not all heaters are created equal.

Jager tend to be the most efficent, they state a 150W can do 300W, perhps a little over estimiated. But an aqua one 150W I wouldn't try in anything over 150L, especially during winter.

2x200W should do it fine , but if you can 300w don't tend to be too much more so maybe get 2x300W will only be on less of the time, not cooked fish.

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It all depends on how cold/warm your place is. My planted tank is 1500mm x 700 x 700 and there is only 1 300w fluval heater in it. So far it's kept the temp between 28 - 29 deg. Might have to add another heater when the cold weather set in :D

Of all the heaters i've tried, Fluval tronic came out top.


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I currently have a Jebo which I find useless. Temp fluctuates all the time. Also have a small Masterpet for quarantine tank which also fluctuates between 24 and 29 within hours! Sux.

I've yet to see what my new tank has .... only one week to go til I get it ..... :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Cheers thanks for that.

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maybe the heater is keeping the tank at 24 and it's getting heated up further by the sun or just atmospheric temperature?

I thought of that HummingBird but the tank doesn't get any sun at all and the light goes on and off even when the temp is already reading 28 and yet the heater is only set on 25. Seems like the thermostat is dodgy.

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Turn the temp down three then and see what it registers when it turns itself off.

Make sure that the element is not directly down which causes a hot water flow over the thermostat..

Once you have finally found out what temperature setting fits what you requie, write it on a piece of card and atach to the end of the lead.

You could write it directly onto the plug if you want.

eg. 23oC = 28oC

Then set up accordingly.

They aren't precision instruments when all is said and done.

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I have found Jagers to be fantastic. Its easy to have a fair bit of money tied up in fish (much more than the price of a heater anyway) and I don't think its worth going cheap on heaters.

In my 6 foot tank I use 2 x 300W Jagers. It may be overkill, but I figure if one heater ever dies the remaining one should go a long way to heating the tank, and each heater doesn't have to work as hard. I've found the temperature remains very stable throughout the year and the heaters last for years. I threw one out a couple of years ago that was working fine but was almost 10 years old, and I figured it was due for retirement.

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I've had two jagars and i'd have to say I'll never get another one. After going fine for a few months(on seperate occasions) they just stayed on and kept heating. The first time I lost five favorites in the tank and the second time I noticed it before any more damage occured! the LFS said jagar had a bad batch and alot had been recalled???? Im sure its been sorted as they are a reputable brand but it just put me off them. since then I've just stuck to the aqua ones, which im happy as with! 8)

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I've had similar experience with Jager, I've only ever owned one and it stayed on and nearly boiled my fish. Same with one that my friend had. I've never had another brand of heater do that.

I've never had a problem and was unaware of the bad batch. Hopefully they've recalled them all and sorted the problem out.

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Guest Anonymous

Yes they had a bad batch of them a couple years ago. There may be some still floating around if you go to place who doesnt sell as many of them. They are still the best heater on the shelves, next would be Tronic, then AquaOne.

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I'd dispute that - I've got a couple of Newatt heaters and they're totally awesome. They're touted as "indestructible" - they're aluminum with a plastic coating, and what's more they're black so they're almost invisible against the black background of my oscar tank.

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I managed to get my two 250W's for a total of $50 including postage, heh. Originally I ordered an aqua one 300W stainless heater for that price, but they didn't have any so they gave me a 250W Newatt instead. I called them up and mentioned the 50W difference so they sent me out another for free, just like that. I was happy :)

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