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at my wits end


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after years & years of keeping fish ive never had this problem and im starting to pull my hair out now with this problem.... had a tank setup for months and months before xmas and was running perfectly .... then we had to move so rip it all down and shifted .. set it up again cycled it e.t.c and from day one of re setting it up its had a white haze (cloudy water)... all the test readings are perfect (all read 0 ) and phospates are 0 ...... fish are all healthy and growing well. the few plants in the tank are fine and nothing has been added or taken out from when it was setup at the last house...... ive tryed 2 different types of stuff from the LFS for cloudy water and had no change........ im under feeding so it cant be over feeding e.t.c..... im at my wits end and im open to any help anyone cant advise....... having had fish for 20 yrs and never having this problem before im starting to get very frustrated.... all my other tanks are fine so it cant be the water where we live now........ HELP PLEASE :cry::cry:

im now thinking should i buy and try a UV .... its the last thing i can think off!!!

oh tank is 300ltrs and 60ltr sump filter

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hey stompa, how long have u had this problem for? a friend of mine had this for almost a month, he just waited it out, and one day it just came clear :roll:

still not sure what caused it but it did get better, hope u are able to sort it

those discus i got from u are doing good man a couple died but the rest are going strong, especially the turk hes growing fast as.even got a pair out of em :D

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hi dimebag howz it going........ ive had it for bout 3 months it came clear for about 1 day and then went straight back..... ive even tried doing a 50% water change daily for 10 days and still didnt help...... great to hear that you got a pair with the discus :D

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I've sometimes had a problem with cloudy water where the water was cloudy due to tiny air bubbles. Pain in the ass but it cleared after a while, overnight from memory.

Last time I had a bacterial bloom (went on holiday :roll: ) we did 3 large (30%) water changes over the space of two days and it cleared, also removed all the excess food out of the gravel.

If it's bacterial then something is feeding it - could be something that was accidently dropped in, someone spilt fishfood and doesn't want to own up, dead fish etc

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sump hasnt changed since its was running clear before the move.... running those blue plastic bio balls and ceramic noodles , heater & pump with filter wool & sponge

no dead fish extra food e.t.c im the only one that touches the tank and has a complete wooden hood so nothing could have fallen in...... ive gravel vact this tank more in the last few month than most tanks get in a year...... as i said ive been through all the usual resons that cause this and the answer is no to it all....... the bristle noses are still breeding like rabbits and all the fish are heathly as..... thats why im so stumped!!

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So you never had a reading of nitrite, nitrate & ammonia?

as i stated reset it up it went through its cycle (nitrite, ammonia readings peaked as usual) after cycled added couple more fish as we all do e.t.c and never had readings of ammonia , nitrite e.t.c since

freaky fish....maintenance in the last 2 weeks has been 40 to 50% water change every 2 to 3 days (before this i did 10 days of 50% water changes every day) change wool weekly and if the sponge need cleaning rinse in tank water and straight back into the sump..

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I would try leaving it for at least a week or 2 without doin any maintenance and see what happens

Just keep on checking your levels especially Ammonia and Nitrate

I would think its just a bacterial bloom and the tank isnt getting enough time to get rid of itself


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hi dimebag howz it going........ ive had it for bout 3 months it came clear for about 1 day and then went straight back..... ive even tried doing a 50% water change daily for 10 days and still didnt help...... great to hear that you got a pair with the discus :D

dont change the water more than once a week, do not try the products that get rid of cloudy water. i had the same prob when i started my big tank, was cloudy for a month or so then suddenly came clear. try not to disturb the gravel too much, have good filtration and get some filter carbon. theres not much else you can do but wait. and btw frequent water changes just delays the process, the tank just needs to settle.

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I was thinking the same as Brad & Caryl :lol: I txt brad about this topic on my way to poker.

That is why I asked about your readings. Just when you said they have always been at zero, I thought hmm. With the amount of water changes you are doing I think you are basically nearly always having a bacterial bloom. Feeding fish lightly, having plants in there & big water changes. Tank sounds like it may of been cycled,but not quite right. The more you changed the water, cut back on feeds, the harder it is for the tank to catch up. Just a quick question, is there enough bacteria media in the tank?

Let the tank run for a week or 2 as mentioned. Keep the feeds light & keep an eye on your ammonia etc levels just incase.

Frenchy :D

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I'm in agreement with doing nothing for 2-3 weeks to see what happens. It maybe that the particles need to get bigger for the filter to filter them out, if that makes sense, so by leaving it this will hopefully happen on its own, it may get a bit worse before it gets better if this is the case too.

I had this happen in a small tank on and off for a few months I used 2 different clearing agents from the lfs which worked but then it came back and eventually it just cleared on its own. Frustrating I know but sometimes doing nothing can be beneficial.

Let us know how you get on

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well we worked out what the problem was.... old house had tinted windows and vertical blinds ... so you guessed it to much light in the new house.... got a UV on friday and now the tank is crystal clear..... gee those cheap LFS uv are good ....... so problem all sorted :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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