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April meeting of Christchurch Totally Tanked


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Saturday 7 April at 5pm.

57A Hoon Hay Road Hillmorton

Bring something for a barbecue tea. Might almost be our last barbecue for a while too! It is getting cooler and dark early now.

And just for something interesting...

See who can get the best guess!

How many Angel babies can you count?


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I would like to come along if that's all right? I live just down the road in Hoon Hay! That same weekend I'm having a 3-day gaming party at my place so a little break would probably be welcomed by me. Let me know if you wouldn't mind me turning up. I don't know anything about this. =)

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I wouldn't recommend Pet World on Ferry Road personally.

I used to deal with them all the time when I lived in Woolston, but the last time I went there it didn't look so great. For a start their parrot looked depressed and was losing his feathers, and then to get to the fish at the back of the shop and see the tanks were leaking and the fish didn't look too happy... I dunno, maybe I just caught them at a bad time? I also hung around the shop for ages and even though I was the only one there I didn't have any help offered to me after 20 minutes so I went elsewhere for what I was looking for. But they are also not the cheapest and I have no desire to go back there again even if I end up back in the area.

That's just my experience though. If someone else can say it's any different I might take another look.

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Hi Loopy

Keep up the good work!

Sorry can't make it as we're going to Blenheim for my mums birthday.

For about 6 years we virtually never CHCH as we had a beautiful English Cocker Spaniel who had epilepsy and seperation issues who didn't travel and required a lot of attention. We lost her at the beginning of January and I guess we have been making up for lost time. We do hope to catch up with you soon.

Regards, TGWH

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Hi Loopy

Have been meaning to come for the last 3 meetings or so, and I will try to get there this time, but can't make any promises as we have alot on that wkend (renovation hell!!)

but I do feel bad for never having been so far :oops:

by the way do I win a prize if I say you have got some black angels and some golden ones?

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Hey there everyone!

Great to see so many enthusiastic folks out there! thank you for the support and i really look forward to this meeting :bounce: :bounce:

I hadn't really thought about a prize or anything! It might have to be a baby angel to the winner.

Because what if i said that bucket of angels was one spawn? and then i told you we have another tank with another spawn in it too? (and they are the strangest bubby angels i have seen yet! All we have had so far is plain golds and plain blacks. These other babies are gold with black stripes, gold with gold stripes, black and no stripes, black with stripes, and the striped babies have either only a few stripes or heaps and gold with what i can only describe as a black halo) and one of our pairs of angels has had swimmers for a week now and the other pair are due to lay in the next week. :o

Does anyone want any angels?

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