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Cyprichromis leptosoma.


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At the moment I dont think there is any on like lists that shops have(someone correct me if I'm wrong) but I have seen a couple of them but dont know if they have breed yet.

Can anyone add any info that they may have on these guy's?

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Had / bred heaps of them a while back but an enthusiast in Akld has them now. They may pop up for sale some time but I wouldn't hold your breath.

Retail lists - Not likely :-?

So the enthusiast in Ak wont breed them or is not competent in your eyes OOA?

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Bred heaps and plenty of people had them but managed to kill them or lose interest and that sums up the average enthusiast really. What happened to the ones that everyone got who knows. If all the fish distributed were successfully cared for then we wouldn't need LFS would we?

Frenchy - yep very easy to keep and spawn but then so are Convict Cichlids and they were scarce for a while , if you know what I mean :wink:

I had Yellow tail and blue tail varieties. Nice fish. I have some pic's somewhere, I will try and find them for you :)

And as some of you are aware, some stock made it to Akld so cross fingers they re-amerge sometime.

BTW: I was in Akld last week - I feel sorry for you guys. The selection and quality of fish is dismal at best :(

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I had Yellow tail and blue tail varieties

Great another species of fish with no variant. WTF is going on with importers over there? I mean really, there are so many exporters in Asia that use full scientific names.

Yellow tail & blue tail dosen't narrow it down at all too.

If all the fish distributed were successfully cared for then we wouldn't need LFS would we?

Cichlid livestock sales through lfs in Aussie make up 2-3%. Most lfs here only stock the basics; ie; colourful cichlids.

Dry goods, feeders, goldfish, tropical fish all sell better than cichlids. Most people here once into the hobby buy cichlids privately.

Yes convicts are easier to breed. Just usually people that buy leptos... tend to be more in the they sort of know what they are doing basket.

Frenchy :D

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Hubby spoke with one of the main fish suppliers this morning re: varieties coming in... The importer (won't name) said that most consignments coming in from the Asian suppliers that export to NZ don't send fish with Sci names just straight common names.... :-? hmm would be awesome if they could use Asian suppliers that Frenchy refers to huh :) He said Europe on the other hand, are a totally different kettle of fish, they are far more thorough and they arrive with Scientific names, info etc....

Those Leptos look like nice fish... :D

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That's what I wondered about to Alan, seems a bit weird aye... apparently tho from this particular Asian supplier, they don't get issued any Sci names tho.. odd aye :-? I had noticed on the lists tho that only some have references to Axelrod and others haven't so maybe only some come in with info and they use the reference and others don't....?

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