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I use Budget Fly Spray. Its probably the most toxic but its the cheapest and kills flies very quick, its brutal. I prefer it to Black Flag etc by a long shot, even on pay day, Budget Fly Spray wins.

What I do when spraying is make sure to never saturate a room, e.g. always have a door open, and dont hold on the trigger for too long and never aim it in the direciton of an aquarium.

The official recommendation, that I agree with (but am often slack on), is that you cover the tanks, e.g. towel before spraying. To date I haven't had a fish die from fly spray, I'm just careful with how I use it, but if you really want to do the right thing, cover your aquariums.

Fly Spray is basically a toxic nerve gas, so I can't imagine you'll find a fish friendly one :lol: Would be nice though :)

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I use a Robocan natural pyrethrins... works wonders! :D My refill ran out and hello flies starting to come in, once replaced... the flies didn't enter through our ranch slider, almost like there was a invisible barrier :lol: definately works, that definately put things to the test, and it's 100 percent safe with animals, tanks etc...

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I use Budget Fly Spray. Its probably the most toxic but its the cheapest and kills flies very quick, its brutal. I prefer it to Black Flag etc by a long shot, even on pay day, Budget Fly Spray wins.

SpidersWeb, you must be doing something i'm not - when i used budget the flies seemed to be appreciationg athe lovely shower i offered them :roll:

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Well you have to buy the overall dispenser etc, not sure how much it was.. then the refills are around $20 mark.. but they last around two months :D

Is this the kind of thing that sprays every few minutes or whatever?? Does it smell at all??

We always get lots of flies in our house.. sure, 2 of the cats are always happy to have a flying snack but.. they tire after a while...

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For peace of mind get in the professionals and have the window sills and around the doors sprayed.

I have no idea of the cost, but my wife has two friends who use this and they have no more problems at all.

The cost of the numerous flyspray cans used would help defray costs and I'd think a lot safer for the family than breathing in fly spray.

I fly swat and feed the fish with the mangled bodies, saves them chewing too much. :roll:

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Hi All

I use "Black Flag" Fly spray in both the lounge and Fish room. :wink:

You must remember that ALL sprays are toxic :evil: and will certainly upset your fish.

I always spray into an area opposite the tanks and


and leave it there for 20 minutes after spraying.

I haven't had any casualties as a result so far. :oops:


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The only spray I've used is one of those long term contact type ones... more for crawling insects like cockroaches...

The main reason I don't have any problem with flies or flying insects is that I have a fair number of carnivorous plants. Two pitcher plants in the kitchen, about six pots with venus flytraps, and a whole lot of different types of sundews that I get a huge amount of seeds from... they practically grow like weeds.

Bugs don't stand much of a chance with all of those on the windowsills.

The oddest thing is I still need to spray pyrethrum on the plants to get rid of aphids... they're too small to get caught/stuck/etc.

Gavin.... :) :)

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I use the long term 'Ripcord' spray once a year. I don't like flyspray because we have both birds and fish.

Once a year I spray the ceilings, doorways and windowsills. Then I kick back and watch all the flies, spiders and cockroaches coming up the garden path keel over when they hit the sprayed areas on the doors.

I do cover the fishtanks and remove the birds before I spray though. It's harmless when dry, but I wouldn't want to risk spray drift killing any pets.

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