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Dipstick of the week!!!


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Last night my canister filter stopped working and so I went thru the normal ritual.

1. Placed in in a large plastic container (to stop leaks on the lounge carpet).

2. Turn switch off and shut of valves.

3. Undo hoses to see if they are blocked.

4. Take top off and check little spinning thing is going (which it wasn't).

5. (Might as well clean it out since I've got it apart) so take to sink and proceed to pull apart.

6. Do quick glance at tank to make sure cats are not hanging around fishing.

Problem! Tank is only half full! Where did all the water go ? ..... All over my carpet - (hose popped off top of filter). About 45 litres of water !!! Nice! :(

Lesson learned - Have reviewed list and number 3 now goes ...

3. Undo hoses to see if they are blocked and [make sure properly secured].

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

I bet lots of you have done that hey !!!

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haha my filter pipes have never done that to me, (good onya Jebo)

But I've spilled over 450 litres so far.

Big spills to date:

1) air pipe hanging down from tank, tank started to syphon by itself, took hours but I found the poor fish being cooked by the confused heaters in 10% of tank water, so thats 180L that had got on to the floor

2) Filling a 450L tank with water, half way through it bursts, neato

3) Used a rock to hold a syphon hose in place when draining a tank, rock falls and smashes a full 30L tank on the shelf below (lost a lot of baby danios too :( )

4) CO2 lines were T'd below the tank, the backpressure blew the T off and water went everywhere, lost about 40 litres before I found it.

These are all in the last 6 months. Number 3 happened last weekend.

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haha my filter pipes have never done that to me, (good onya Jebo)

But I've spilled over 450 litres so far.

Big spills to date:

1) air pipe hanging down from tank, tank started to syphon by itself, took hours but I found the poor fish being cooked by the confused heaters in 10% of tank water, so thats 180L that had got on to the floor

2) Filling a 450L tank with water, half way through it bursts, neato

3) Used a rock to hold a syphon hose in place when draining a tank, rock falls and smashes a full 30L tank on the shelf below (lost a lot of baby danios too :( )

4) CO2 lines were T'd below the tank, the backpressure blew the T off and water went everywhere, lost about 40 litres before I found it.

These are all in the last 6 months. Number 3 happened last weekend.

lol...i think you are biggest spiller in this forum. you just beat all of our records. congrats..btw.. 8)

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My little brother was filling up tyhe sump at the shop b4 he finished one night and forgot about it

Left went home

Came back to the shop in the early hours of the morning on his way home from a big night

he had a feeling something was wronh

hose had been running for around 8 hours

Entire shop had about 1 inch of water through it

Shop is about 113 square metres so thats alot of water lol

Glad i was away that weekend and didnt have to help clean it up

This is by the worst time but not bthe only time

One of my staff is nicknamed puddles cos he likes to overfill tanks


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My little brother was filling up tyhe sump at the shop b4 he finished one night and forgot about it

Left went home

Came back to the shop in the early hours of the morning on his way home from a big night

he had a feeling something was wronh

hose had been running for around 8 hours

Entire shop had about 1 inch of water through it

Shop is about 113 square metres so thats alot of water lol

Glad i was away that weekend and didnt have to help clean it up

This is by the worst time but not bthe only time

One of my staff is nicknamed puddles cos he likes to overfill tanks


OKay.....your brother WINs! :roll:

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Crikey! - I don't feel nearly so bad now! :lol:

Actually my filter does have shut off thingees too but funny enuf - they don't work if the hose is not connected :lol:

Have you all noticed how well the tank siphons (without any help getting it started) when you don't want it to?


Small fish tanks have definite advantages - don't be in too much of a hurry to get a larger one!

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Boyfriend decided to move tank over "A couple of inches" so he could move the TV into a better position....

I came home and asked why the floor was wet... he hadn't noticed. He admitted what he'd done and was immediately accused of cracking the tank…. (100L JEBO)

Towels were placed on floor. Vivid was found and water level marked to see if tank was actually leaking or if he’d spilled and not noticed….

Water level checked. Lower! I freaked. Marked level then Boyfriend, flatmate and I grabbed buckets and nets to catch all fish and re-home them in other tanks… this took 2 hours. New water level marked.

I’m completely freaking out by now. It’s a Sunday night, I’ve had a sh*t day at work and tank seems to be cracked but we can’t find where….

Then we see 5 baby swordtails, about 5mm long…. These take another 2 hours to catch. Plants, drift wood etc have all been ripped out of tank at this stage. Tank is still draining slowly. After last baby is caught I put net on top of tank. It accidentally falls down the back of tank… as I go to retrieve it I see the air hose happily siphoning out water at the rate of the pump! Boyfriend must have sloshed the water around a little and started a siphon effect.

It’s almost 2am by now and I have NOT been a very nice girlfriend.

This was a few months ago. Vivid makes are still on tank… when people see them and ask why we all look at the ground and reply “Long story – don’t askâ€

Boyfriend no longer complains about small bucket spills.

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