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I have a problem with algae in one of my tanks and have been researching using hydrogen peroxide. I've decided against it because so many people have experienced fish losses when using it in tanks.

Further research said that the reason barley straw works is because it releases small, continuous amounts of a peroxide similar to hydrogen peroxide. The article also suggested using it in filters to combat algae.

The tanks with the problems has a sump so I want to put the straw in the sump and see if it works.

Now for the dumb city girl question - if I go and buy some straw how will I know if its barley straw?


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Yes, I've seen the extract but I'd really like to try the straw because it would last about 6 months in the sump. The article did say wheat straw and alfalfa straw would be OK so maybe I should just grab some straw and see what happens

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