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Canister Fliter?


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Hi guys

I am a new comer of the website

Today I visit Hollywood in AKL saw a canister fliter selling really cheap compare to Ehiem, the brand name was Via Aqua.

My tank is 91L and using a AquaClear 200... with the original substract.

and I am keeping 20 Neon and 20 Guppy with huge numbers of plants

Do I need to change?

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Welcome Jerry.

I would suspect that if its not broken don't fix it.

ViaAqua are an OK brand. Personally i've tried just about everything, and am very cost concious. This debate continues to rage but i've learnedmy lesson. For me its Ehiem all the way, or DIY with Ehiem pumps.

FWIW I am very happy with my Fluval canister filter, and would consider buying another. YMMV.

Good luck


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Hi there,

I am useless at figuring out which filter to use on what size tank and aren't sure what a 91L tank is size-wise. If what you are using works, stick with it. Aquaclears are easy to set up, easy to see when they need cleaning, and easy to clean - unlike many of the canister filters. If you think yours may not be big enough, get a bigger Aquaclear.

I have an Aquaclear 500, Fluval 505 and Eheim 2229 wet/dry. The only one that has given no trouble whatsoever, despite being several years old, is the Aquaclear.

I do not know much about the brand you are looking at but having heard many talk about different filters over the years, it seems it is a case of 'you get what you pay for'. The cheaper ones use cheaper plastic and break more easily or readily than the others.

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