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Neons M.I.A


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Hi all, in my community tank, starting at the top i have 2 altum angels, 2 pearl gaurami, 4 serpae neons, had 10 neons, 5 glowlights, 2 clown loaches, 2 skunk loaches, a BN catfish & a schwartz cory.

The problem i have is four weeks ago I had 10 neons, i have had them around 6 months. i noticed the numbers a little lacking just after xmas when I had a count up & only had 7 left. last week there were still 7, counted yesterday & only 6.

We attend the tank every day for feeding & a general gaze on the way past & have not noticed anything odd. there have been no floaters, they have just disapeared. I guess they may have died & maybe eaten by the angels which are around 18 months old & about 3 inches from mouth to the start of their tail. one of the neons is discoloured & looking a bit shabby so will keep an eye on how it progresses. I have not had any other losses, just the neons. could these have been a weak batch & are gradualy dieing off? Anyone else come accross this before. All ideas welcome.


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Did you know that angels naturally prey on neon tetras in the wild? At least that's what I was told.

neons just dont last long

i know a breeder so my tank normally has about 50neons and they just slowly disappear, i think they die and get eaten by other fish

thanks for the info, i don't really mind them disappearing, only 6 more till a change of look with another type of tetra. what about the glowlights, mine are still very healthy, have not lost any & they have been in the tank longer than all the other fish. they seem to "last" very well.


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Whats your temperature of the water?? Neons are suited to cooler water than angels at about 20-22 degrees unlike 28 degrees-ish. They are not comfortable at these temperatures and don't last as long. Maybe this is something to do with it... Or the angel could be eating them, how big are the angels mouths?

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My neons do fine at higher temps, it just shortens their life span, but unless you've had those neons for at least a year, then I'd say your angels ate them.

Once angels learn they can fit neons in their mouth, they disappear very quickly. If this is the case, any more you add will be food.

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