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Sad Christmas for a NZKA member


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It is with regret that I inform you of the passing of Peter Cottles wife on Christmas eve.

He has been in touch with several FNZAS members to inform them of her passing.

I met Peter and his wife several years back when he was a guest speaker at the Waikato Aquarium Club, from then on Rose and I have kept in contact with him and his wife and because of his help to the NZKA he was made an honary member.

Rose remembers a time when she and Sheila sneaked out the back yard for a smoke while Pete and I dicussed fish, what else??

Her voice was very deep and rasping and she said that I know I shouldn't be smoking like this, but what the heck, I enjoy it.

Peter and Sheila was here just a couple of months ago and gave a picture and talk show on his exploits in Asia, up at Tauranga, a welcome visit to one of our newest clubs formed in the Western Bay of Plenty, and vistors from as far south as Wellington came to meet the man and his wife.

Due to his short visit here, they decide to help with a small fledgling club, than to go socialising with the Bay, NZKA members.

I hope Peter can still fit into his busy schedule, his vists down under, as we did enjoy his meeting, experiences and jokes.

Rest in peace friend, and deepest condolences from your mates here in NZ Peter.

Below is the email he sent to us.

Dear friends,

I am sorry to have to tell you that Sheila passed away in the early hours of Christmas eve following a massive heart attack. To say that we are devastated would be an understatement. She had not been at all well since returning from holiday particularly with her back problem.

I will let you know about funeral arrangements and you will be welcome to come.

I would greatly appreciate it if you did not phone me for the next week. As you can imagine, I am finding it difficult to talk about it and would appreciate the time to get adjusted a little more.

In spite of that, we had a great Christmas day – our 4 year old grand daughter took away much of the pain.

I know your thoughts will be with me and the family at this time.



NZKA 104

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They had dinner with us just before heading up north (they just missed that terrible ferry crossing that took 8 hours plus sheltering in Cloudy Bay and were definitely pleased they were on the earlier ferry before the weather got so bad). They were lovely people and great company. Sheila will be missed. :cry:

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