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Dark gravel or plastic coated stuff?


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So.. my tank is ordered and should be here in a few days! Yaaay!

I'm now looking for some very dark substrate.

Found some black Marina stuff but wondering what the opinion is on the plastic coated gravel? Any reason to shy away from it?

Getting an AR380 so I shouldn't need heaps of it. Maybe 2 bags?

I am planning on growing some plants but it will be a coldwater tank so probably not heaps and heaps of them.

I want something nicer than pea gravel. Our driveway is pea gravel so I see enough of it already!! Any other suggestions for a very dark substrate and where I might get some?

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i have heard alot about the coating coming off those colour ones, i would steer clear of them if you can find something else you like.

i have a dark grey, almost black gravel but its about twice the size of pea gravel with larger river pebbles mixed in. most fish stores should carry something similar

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Good driftwood at birdlings flat huh..

Well then :lol: I might have to go have a look.

Will surely win out over the $15 piece I saw at animates!

I'll checkout redwood fist to know what their gravel options are then decide if I want a small bucket from the shore or not.

Thanks guys. I'll give the plastic stuff a miss then.

Would you all recommend some sand under the gravel for some plants or is it not really necessary in a small tank?

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Wow! Went down to birdlings flat today. Had driven past a million times but never turned off there.

What a treasure trove! Came home with a bucketful of the finest, prettiest, very dark gravel and a whole selection of driftwood!

Thanks for that tip. Definitely recommend it to anyone else!!

Now if my tank would only arrive....maybe tomorrow :( gives me time to wash and soak everything I guess.

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Yes I saw alot of pieces of what looked like greenstone.

Some beautiful marbled ones too.

Picked up some slightly bigger pieces of the green stuff for a little feature pile in the tank. Maybe it should have a treasure chest :wink:

What else is in there do you know? Is the white stuff like a quartz? Or marble? Hey is any of this stuff likely to affect the pH? It doesn't look like it has any shells in it?

Anyway I was extremely chuffed and have saved myself a bundle too!

My driftwood is soaking under a brick in a plastic container in the sun. So not boiling but should heat up some. Most of it looked pretty well aged so hopefully won't discolor the water too much. Will replace the soaking water daily for a week to draw out as much salt and tannins as possible.

Is that long enough?

Got some good marbled/knarly pieces and they're looking really cool now that they're wet.

AND BONUS.. the tank finally arrived today so I can start visualising what I want to do with it.

Excuse my enthusiasm. This is my first tank and I'm looking forward to the challenge :) Hopefully it'll go well and I won't end up with an algae ridden mess! If so at least I know where to turn :hail:

Thanks for all your help.

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