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Might be getting a fish shed


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If you are starting from scatch,

you main things that push the price of keeping them up is heating and lighting.

I have just finished a fishshed. For the windows, I double glazed them, the walls have at least 50mm of polystyrene insulatin as well as the roof.

The main heating source is the concrete floor.

As I poured it, I put in PVC piping, through which water, heated by a solar is pumped. This lasts as a heat resivoir thru the hours of darkness, and as backup I have a thermostatically controled fan heater.


Without these your power bill can soar over $300 very easily in the summer.

In "special tanks", can have a heater for each of them.


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Back in Sept last year. Rene was selling his fully transportable fishroom. It was a...

"20ft insulated container ,wired up , 33x90litre tanks on metal stands (3 tanks high) each tanks has own floro light , gravel, back drop, under gravel filter. The air supply is via 2 commercial pumps through a central supply system. 5 other tanks of varying sizes included as are all fish plants accessories etc."

It was a converted shipping container. Rene lived in Richmond at the time, so local to you. I think he might have been asking $5,000 from memory but I may be wrong there.

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Ideally you'd want a range of fish that you rear - bread and butter ones that the shops have a high turn over of and then some more interesting bits and pieces that perhaps you don't breed as often.

The breed and butter fish that I would concentrate on (if I were doing it) would be guppies (well coloured and grown), white cloud minnows (these could be done outside though), perhaps platties, also bristlenose plecos (depends on your local shops - the best shop here in Hamilton pushes bristlenoses as prefered algae eaters - so I could hock of 20-30 a fortnight (just little 3-4cm ones)).

Then there would be other bits and pieces that you'd not call bread and butter fish. Different types of cory's, perhaps dwarf cichlids, more exotic plecos (if you can afford the breeding stock).

As was suggested previously - it's really look at what there is a demand for. I presonally wouldn't bother with convicts or kribs as they get bred that often that I think you'd find it difficult selling any you'd bred. Like wise there are only a limited number of people who want to own Red Devils.

Of course these suggestions are biased by what I'm interested in.

Also if you're going to be doing a reasonable amount of breeding make sure that you have sufficient rearing tanks - this often gets neglected, if you've got high stocking rates in your grow out tanks then it's likely that growth rates and sizes will be reduced.

Also as far as what prices you should be expecting - half the price of what the shop sells them for is a reasonable guide line.

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YOU tell them what you want for them.

If they sell them for $10,

ask for $5

if they dont like that, take them out of the loop and sell for $7.50 privately

Use that Buy, Sell & Xchange rag you have.

Once ppl get to know that you have fish for sale,

they'll start enquiring from you first b4 going to the LFS.

Then you'll have your own little group of customers.

THAT'S why the dealers aren't over impressed by breeders.

A fair deal is all us breeders are looking for, K??


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Most pet shops aim to make no less than 100% on fish. Many others (Jansens) make no less than 100% + GST. Hence the reason it pays to shop around.

Ohhh and my power bill is over $300 a month now, and I don't got no fish room...

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Ira said...

> Mine is only around $150 a month ...

Mines around that too, includes the fishroom, turtles in the

garage and tanks in the house but I also grow non-aquatic

plants under lights and so on. No spa and I don't use the

pool filter since the goldfish don't seem to care ;-)

I'm not too unhappy with the bill. Why else do we go to work

if not to pay for our hobbys and lifestyle?

Well, there's that whole 'living expenses' thing but that doesn't

really count...


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