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Green Water - HELP!!

James D

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My tank water continues to turn a cloudy green colour. I have used various products to remove the cloudiness. These all work but only for a temporary time then the green water returns - I'm winning the battles but not the war!!

When cloudy water tests show pH, nitrate etc. levels are fine.

The tank is 400ltrs (tropical) and the canister filter is grunty enough to handle the volume. There are few plants in the tank.

The tank is located in an area with high natural light levels - could this be causing the problem??

Any help/advice greatly appreciated.


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Yup, its the sun that is probably causing the problems, giving a 'algae bloom' making the water green. The ideal solution is to move the tank, but I understand this is not always possible :x Sorry but I have not experienced this before but someone on here should give some good advice on removing it.

Maybe invest in a UV light, I think they are meant to clear it :wink:

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I'm expecting trouble with my new tank soon. There was only one place to put it and it will get a lot of light. I have been wondering whether to hang some sort of black out cloth over the front of it during the day. I expect I will be limiting the amount of time the lights are on too.



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I had a really really bad problem with green water, the tank was not in direct sunlight and well planted and like you I kept winning the battles but not the war in desperation I added a second filter (Fluval 204) to go with my Via Aqua 230 and hey presto no green water in site and never had any problems since.Money well spent in my opinion.

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if you dont want to buy UV light or another filter, buy a product called magic clear, and use in conjuction with filter wool in your filter, treat majic clear every 3 days, and after every second dose, do a 30% water change and change the filter wool, but dont stop doing it once you think its all gone, cause if you leave even 1 spore it'll come back, keep doing it for about a week after you cant see it any more.

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Just another $0.10 worth....

You could also take a couple of hundred mls of tank water to your LFS and get them to test for Phosphates, the kit is kinda pricey, so paying $1 or $2 for a test isnt too bad. I was having problems with a white cloud in my water and tested for phospahtes, found they were off the chart ! Fixed that and the problems went away. If it is an issue, it can be fixed using PO4 removers ($$) or do several water changes over the space of a couple of days (free).

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