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James D

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  1. Interesting call Jolliolli. They're not what I'd call old. The fish don't seem to phased by it though.
  2. Hi all, I have some neons, a catfish and a pleco that have got perfect little white spots on the lens of their eyes. Are these eye flukes?? I have treated with salt and Methyl Blue but with no joy - any suggestions?? All help appreciated - Thanks.
  3. Thanks - I'll give some of these suggestions a go!
  4. Hiya, Would be interested in hearing others techniques for keeping plants anchored at the bottom of the tank. Some of my fish (Silver Dollars etc.) keep ripping them out - joy!! I use filter wool to weigh the targeted plants down but it's not always sucessful. The tank bottom is lined with brighstone pebbles - maybe a deeper lining would help or some different substrate?? Any help much appreciated. Thanks
  5. Hi, My tank water continues to turn a cloudy green colour. I have used various products to remove the cloudiness. These all work but only for a temporary time then the green water returns - I'm winning the battles but not the war!! When cloudy water tests show pH, nitrate etc. levels are fine. The tank is 400ltrs (tropical) and the canister filter is grunty enough to handle the volume. There are few plants in the tank. The tank is located in an area with high natural light levels - could this be causing the problem?? Any help/advice greatly appreciated. Thanks
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