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Entertainment for my puffers?


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I currently have a guinea fowl puffer, a porcupine puffer and a stars and stripes puffer in my 400ltr fish only system. Cant run corals with these guys cause they bite at the rocks to keep there teeth down. I started to think that they are getting bored in the tank so i added a few mussel shells after feeding them the contents so that they could bite and chew at them. They loved it but not long after the ammonia levels started to rise(im guessing cause of the flesh left on the shell). Has anyone got any ideas for entertaining these guys without side effects?

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If i scrape all the flesh off then then dont seem interested. These guys are known for picking at corals and the way they bite chunks off the rocks i dont think the corals would last long. Is there a salt water live feeding fish? Whitebait maybe?

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