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Angel Fry


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I've had two fish give me real problems breeding the congo tetra and the angel , not that either is that hard to breed according to the books and others that have breed them but they both just seem the ones to course me problems . I've had congo's breed but missed them in the tank a flushed them down the sink by mistake , i've had angels spawn just to disapear , well i've got the angels to this point again with the parent still looking after them , its there first spawn for me so i've giving them a chance to raise them themselves and so far so good, fingers crossed. I keeping them very well fed onbloodworm , microworms and flake in a hope they don't get hungry and eat the fry :o


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If I had a batch like that, I'd syphon of prolly about half;

that doesn't disturb the parents too much, and leave the rest with the M&D to raise.

That way you get the best of both worlds,

and the ones that are parent-raised will in my experience grow quicker and bigger.

Alan 104

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lol, its easyer to see them in macro then in real life, thats one mother of a spawning.

Alan, both Chris and I have already suggested to seperate 1/2 the spawn.

I have a snecking suspition that Billaney is wanting some to disapair, as I estamated 500+ fry maybe even 600, which will be a mammoth load of work to kept feed let a lone water changes etc.

What do you guys think 500+ or over 600?? (count 10 or 20 then multiply over the spawn).

I only wish you some luck Billaney, because good luck with that spawn is no luck at all :lol:

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They sure can produce. The biggest spawning I raised was 1226 in the days when I could not afford tanks and was raising them in damaged plastic baths. The best part is they will probably want to go again a couple of weeks after you seperate them. Buy lots of angels people. The fish in the pic looks like it has a gold gene. If both parents are the same have they thrown any golds?

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i have angel fry's too and they look like your first pic :) orange googly eyes.. but i have half of them dark coulored and half whiteish gold. Parents are gold and the other pure black. Interestng to see them, and the parents started spawning again, within 2 weeks :o im running out of tanks and space for them frys.. :D

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The fry are growing nicely not quite angel shape yet but with full belly's of decap b/s egg they won't be long. just a note the fry i left with the parents are doing much better than the ones i took away to give them there own tank .

and why do u think that is?

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I believe that the reason for that is that they did not get the initial food from off the sides of the parents, similar to what the discus do, only angels are not so reliant on the slime for survival.

Alan 104

sounds like a good answer to me alan :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

What size tank are they in Billaney? Does anyone have an opinion linking tank size to the likelihood parents will eat fry? My angels never let the fry live past 3-4 days. They've sporned 4 times. At which point is it conclusive that a pair of angels just aren't going to learn good parental skills?

BTW, They are in an 80l tank, sponge filters, peat under gravel, 25deg.

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What size tank are they in Billaney? .

they are in a 80L tank , sponge filter, about 26 degrees planted tank by themselves when they spawned , ( i since added 3 corys to help with clean up since i am deleberatly overfeeding them to hopefully stop them eating the fry ( seems to have worked ) :)

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