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My daughter (Jess) and myself share this account.

Jess is the fish fanatic, but insists I find the answers to all her questions, from how to attach java moss to a log, to where she left her shoes *typical teenager* :roll:

She has a mixed tropical tank, and has recently bought a second one to raise a few (million!) guppies in. Much to the disgust of her father, who already despairs about how many power sockets are currently taken up by fish equipment. It's like he can actually see the tanks sucking up electricity :lol:

I don't really know how I found my way to this informative and friendly site, must have been a random Google fluke, but I am pleased that I did.



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yeah i agree with Billaney! he would no doubt do the same if he saw my whole house, speaking as a person who managed to infect the rest of his family with fish lol.

my sis has got a tank upstairs (180l)

mam has got 350l known as an Austratangalawi setup aka mix up of malawis with tanganyikans and a few rainbow fish in there too

shes also got goldfish on the kitchen windowsill with a trop tank next to it

and ive got 7 tanks in my room (although im only allowed to keep 3 up and running plus the one with the giant african land snails in which i managed to persuade was a good idea hehe).

and if you thought that was bad, there happens to be a 'lake' (bout 17foot by 6 by 3-4) in the back garden.

this is what happens after 10 years of the fish virus (seems my family is quite susceptible, must be genetic...)lol.

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Welcome to the fishroom :)

Lots of clubs in the greater Wellington area if you and your daughter are interested. Upper Hutt has its meeting tonight, message me if you're wanting to attend. Free coffee and biscuits too woo! hmm wonder what kind of biscuits this time....

Edit, just an update so the info for the Upper Hutt club is in the same format as Mystics post below :) Also you can belong to more than one or none of course lol

Upper Hutt Aquarium Society

Day: Second Thursday of Every Month

Time: 7.30PM

Location: Maidstone Community Center (next to Yamaha shop)

Goodshed Rd

Upper Hutt (Central)

President: Faran Gillbanks

$15 (+$5 FNZAS) per year per family (pretty sure thats the same as the other clubs too?)


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2 tanks is nothing lol!!!! If you're up Napier way bring him round to my place... I'm currently sitting near the 30 tank mark. I'm doing some interesting things with guppies so I'm sure your daugher will be interested. :D Welcome to both of you... over time you may find you need an account each. :D

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Nice to meet you both. :D I hope you have fun up here and down at the show in Masterton. (KA mutters under her breath about stupid bosses whom can't see that a fish show is more important than one of the busiest weekends of the year.) Hope the plant gets home okay.

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