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Visit To Taupo

Graeme Jackson

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No, they went years ago Alan. Temperature drop, and infill housing stuffed them.

Just doing an edit on my first attempt with a laptop.

Couldn't find all the keys I wanted

(nO THEY WENT YEARS AGO aLAN. tEMP DROP AND INFIL HOUSING STUFFED THEMMaybe you can tell I'm not use to a laptop)

Alan 104

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Hi all, Back from Taupo, Found the Molly Pond, will post a couple of picks soon. What an awsome site. Spent an hour just sitting on the side of the road watching the goings on. Didn't try to catch any, I think you would need to check water conditions and try to match it in a tank, smelt quite sulphery and may be quite acidic. This spot should be protected as a National treasure, its got be unique. Found the LFS, also a great place and came home with a few new bits and pieces, as you do. Even borrowed a bit of gravel from the lake for my next tank. Where to go Next???????

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Grrrrrr! i wanna go 2! theyr definitely mollies right? not some sort of mosquito fish (part of the Gambusia genus)? although i can believe they are.

one other question, what about the effects theyre having on the wildlife, anyone know what the original fish were before (whenever that was) the mollies were introduced? (stepping into the realms of ecology and i apologise for changing the course of the topic).

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