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Hello from Northland


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Hi all, Just a few words by way of introduction. I have recently revived an old hobby, which has developed into a bit of an obsession in the last few months, no prizes for guessing though, "Tropical Fish" Started with a small tank and a couple of guppies, and now have three community tanks, a fourth cycling as we speak, and an empty wallet! I have been perusing this sight for the last few weeks, and have been thoroughly impressed by the friendly and helpful attitude of the members. I hope to learn a great deal, as well as pass on anything of use that I have picked up from my dealings with a couple of professionals that I am acquainted with.

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Thanks for the warm welcome, some answers to your questions:

1) I like to have community tanks, but recently am changing things around a bit, i.e. All sex mad guppies in one tank! I have the following:

Guppies, four types of tetra, Mollies, Angels, Penguins, Golden Algae eater, Flying Fox, Peppered corys, Male and Female Fighter, Green Algae eater, Red tailed shark, Swordies, Platys, High fin platys, and whatever else I may have missed!

2) My favourite Pet Shop is the Whangarei Aquarium Centre in Cameron Street.

3) A club in Whangarei would be a good idea, if we can get an idea of numbers in the area, people like Northland chic, might not want to travel from Mangonui though! :D

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