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A little help ( need some ideas )


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Hey all, I recently set up my AR620T as a planted tank, and was wanting a bit of help and advice.

I have a 150 watt, metal halide, with an aquamedic 5000k bulb,

an eheim 2215,

and a hagen co2 diffuser with two 2 ltr DIY reactors, im getting a bubble a second.

Photo period is Eight and a half hours daily, and the plants give off heaps of oxygen, looks like upside down rain :D

I have a very fine gravel, with JBL fertilizer balls, and i am dosing Flourish comprehensive suplement, once a week.

Now thats out the way, here is my probs, green thread algae and heaps of it :evil: can anyone point me in the right direction on how to combat this prob?

I have also noticed that my plants are starting to look a little yellow, could this be to much fertiliser? or not enough, or maybe to long photoperiod, not enough?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, i know that i can get this to work, but i need to get the balance right :-?

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My guess is that the algae is out-competing for it and winning. Perhaps you could see how they go after the algae is gone? Then, if they remain yellow try and work on your fert dosage. Your photo period sounds fine..I don't think that would be the problem.

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What is your co2 level?

Algae only pops up when there is an imbalance. Too much light and not enough co2 is only going to lead to trouble.

You should aim for 30ppm of co2.

If algae persists, something else is wrong.

Hmmm, not to sure, how do you test for co2? Im getting a bubble a second, and they are nearly disolved when they get to the top of the ladder.

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You'll be low in something else. If all conditions are good for the plants they will out compete the algae. You're probably low in Potassium(K) or Magnesium(Mg). Maybe even Manganese(Mn). Check the % of each of these in your fert. You need heaps of Mg and K compared to Iron and most ferts rely on the Mg and K in the tap water. Trouble is, if your tap water is low in these, you'll use them up faster than the fert replaces them.

Also check your Phosphate level, this often leads to algae if it's above 0.1ppm. Basically any reading of Phosphate on a test kit is too high...

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Thanks Warren, the fert i have is Flourish comprehensive supplement, 0.07-0.01-0.37.

Mg is 11%, there is no k but k20 soluble potash 0.37% not sure if this is enough.

I might look into getting something that will target k, mg..

It says to dose once or twice a week, but im thinking maybe i should dose a bit more, sene as i have heaps of light, maybe the plants are working overtime and not getting enough food.

I also have JBL fert balls, but i only put a pack of 7 in, im wondering if i should buy some more.

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Dosing daily should help.

You can use Magnesium sulphate (Epsom Salts) for Mg and Potassium sulphate for the K. Both are readily available from hydroponics outlets. You can sometimes get them from plant shops. Also look for industrial chemical supplies or pool shops.

Make your own Mg and K mix, about $20 of ingredients will last you years.

Check out this too:

http://www.thekrib.com/Plants/Fertilize ... onlin.html

Invariably, once the correct balance is found to make the plants grow well, the algae almost completely disappears...

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Quick update,

after manual removal of alot of the thread algae, and a water change last nite, i dosed the tank with one capfull, which is an overdose but i think the tank needed it. Looking at the plants this afternoon, they are looking a bit more lively and greener. :bounce:

Not 100% but hopefully things are on the mend :D

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