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  1. nope that ship has long since sailed
  2. I breed plenty of rainbows. sort of just trying to see who else does,so maybe could do some egg swaps since you can post eggs sort like you do with killies. I really want to get some blue eyes but cant find any around here
  3. Does anyone one here actively breed Rainbows? Or even blue eyes?
  4. still looking for any nothobranchius types that i can get my hands on or any other peat spawners for that matter. any old peat bags that may have had eggs in them are always a good start.
  5. Did anyone on here buy any of the Nothobranchius foerschi from HFF ?
  6. If you dont want to hatch out the eggs straight away you can store them on damp peat in a sealed container I store a weeks worth of eggs for 3 weeks for choc australe and 4 weeks for p82 before wetting. Its alway better to feed killie fry on live food as the movement triggers natural feeding response. Vinegar eels are a great food source it you dont want the hassle of brine shrimp.
  7. yep they should be may just need to let the grow abit more
  8. I had my breeding trio in about 10 ltrs with floating mops, with water change twice a week. In the wild they can be found in very small puddles. most literature I've read says to keep them in around 15-20 ltr for a pair or trio.
  9. :cophot: Looks really good, glad they've gone to a good home
  10. yeah i did he'll let you know what else he's got if you ask
  11. contact Pauljones on T/m for the first 2. I dont believe the last 3 are around anymore. But in saying that i think wonderworld had some Aphyosemion bivittatum within the last year but have no idea what happened to them. I'm starting to get a nice population of`clown killies(Epiplatys annulatus) going, really slow growing compared to the other killies i have. I myself would love to get hold of some Aphyosemion bitaeniatum and Fundulopanchax amieti
  12. have you thought about what type of killies you're after ?
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