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Everything posted by Control
Sorry to hear that. I've been there, it was a long time ago, however mine was caused by a cracked front glass. I still have trouble with the thought of setting up in a big way again and it happened to me years ago. It certainly is a big set back no mater what the cause.
Thats all very well but you are not taking into consideration the physical changes that the water goes through when the impeller chews the hell out of it. It expands.
Thats an interesting point, I wonder what the split rate is like in a reef in spring when the algae goes nuts and softens the water.
I never thought of doing that to anenomes and I use to cut up everything else.
The motion of the water is the cause of the pressure. I had this problem when I was designing my single chamber reactors. Turn the pump off and you should notice a slight drop in the drip rate. I now use a two chamber as I found the drip rate could be controlled more easilly because the second chamber was only on the drip cycle on the way out. This also help to use up any left over Co2.
Sorry Chris but your wrong on both counts.
This thread sucks I've never seen such a load of ignorant abuse towards a LHS before. However considering the forum that it's in I'm not supprised. I've been a customer of Bobs since I was a kid, I find the personal attacks in this thread towards him and the way he does business out of line and highly offensive. If you don't like the way your fish behave towards each other then that’s your problem. It's common knowledge that different types of wrasses can fight, it is not Bobs responsibility to lecture every idiot that walks into his store about there purchase and even if he was to, there are never any guaranties in this hobby regarding animal behaviour. If you don't know ask. That is the customer’s responsibility. Bob is there to make a living for himself and his staff. Taking fish back is a stupid and risky thing to do for any shop and no customer has the right to expect any difference in treatment because they may think of themselves as a better customer than another. I have always found that Bob treats everyone the same as each other with no bias and very fairly regarding problems. I think a lot of you owe him an apology for the ignorant crap that has been said in this thread. All it hs done is make Bob look bad for no justifiable reason and that is not on. Aaron
Feelers There was something on the rock, maybe buttons, I can't remember. A few years ago I got some rock from a dealer and the rule was that it had to stay dry for three weeks, to my knowledge they were new rules at the time. To go further than this would just show how ignorant the people that maf get there info from really are. Most of what they do in regards to us is based on what might happen, not what will and here is the proof.
I missed the last bit of your post, It came on rocks that had something on them, not plain rock. It would have been about 11 years ago now, I remember it was just before we moved into the house we're in now,That was when we lost most of our stock.
You do not need a skimmer with what you have stated in your first post, however I would myself and I've done more nanos and pico's than I can remember (not that I have a good memory anymore). There are alot of DIY plans in here www.nano-reef.com Most small hang-on skimmers don't acheive much more than a weekly 10-15% water change would, and the stuff your talking about keeping wouldn't need much more than a good filter system. Pay more attension to your water changing ability, keep a supply on hand so you can change more often. even if you use a skimmer with that size tank. If you want a skimmer I would avoid a hang-on. Can you set up a sump of some kind?
No it was a mantis I went on a hunt and found it. Mantis also make a clicking noise. That best died years ago, the tank is sitting in my lounge empty now.
Acclimatising mollies is not a problem, your big problem will be having more aggressive fish with them as they are not. Here's an idea Black mollies and Blue Chromas in decent numbers now that would look great. Although Red & Black would be better.
I was going to ask the same question in a week or so. I thought a mantis would be good in the pico that I've been designing to sit on a coffee table that I bought for it. I sort of had a mantis a long time ago. It was in a tank that I set up for my parents. For along time we couldn't work out what the clicking noise was because it was a freeloader in one of the rocks that we never saw. If I could I'd rather have a Harliquin Shrimp though.
Come on layton China Makes an enormous range of products from crap to some of the best you can get, it depends on who the company is owned by. Plastics are one of the easiest things to copy and is one of there biggist industries. The only way to compare prices would be to have the cost of buying them from the manufacturer, because the price would most likely be over inflated on the copy despite how little it cost the importer. It also depends on how many distributors it has been throw before it gets to the customer.
I use Award Plastis as well but only for cement I get my acrylic elseware due to cost. I have a bottle of Quick-Bond 10 which is a thickend cement in front of me that has a chart on it. It show that it is suitable for use to join acrylic to PVC. Are you doing your own cutting. if so do not overheat the acrylic or it will craze as the cement sets. These are links from Reef Centrals DIY page that you may find helpfull. Pretty much that facts and how to of acrylic. http://www.ipscorp.com/wo_html/howto.html http://www.piedmontplastics.com/index_new.htm?index=0 http://www.sdplastics.com/acrylic.html
How old is your calibration fluid it does have a short shelf life. If you need some try this place http://www.belltechnology.co.nz/ they're in Penrose. I use them because they have Quinhydrone which I need for my AquaController2. I couldn't find any down here. Last time I got some they only had 1l bottles, if that is still the case just split it up with someone else because it is good quility and cheap. There are some other things that can cause your readings to be misleading, if your controller does not compensate for them. Both temperature and ORP affect these readings. Most Controllers that take all of these readings have compensation for this as it is the industry standard these days, in my controller I can turn the compensations on or off. I don't know anything about your unit as I have never had one. Another problem with alot of the units on the market is that they only have single point calibration, this is not a very accurate way to calibrate a probe, two point calibration is best as it calibrates the probe within a start and end point. Single point is in the middle and as the probe gets older, no mater how good it is, can very more as it moves away from the centre point of calibration. If you know your pH is OK I think the best thing you could do is get some new fluid, if that fails a new probe. If your unit is single point then you must use a lab grade probe.
Hell no, the algaes are known as turf algaes and are from the top level of the reefs there are a few of them but hair algae is not one of them that I would use. Some of you may already have them in your tanks and not even know it. They require such intence light that if they get in the tank they don't tend to servive and are slow to reproduce. They consume waste at a similar speed to a skimmer. unfortunatly they don't remove debris.
I've just finished designing a new Pico that I will be posting there it will be 2 litre main and I'm seriously thinking about what filter to use, it might disturb a few people. my main concern is PH from Co2 at night and that type of filter takes care of it as it grows at night at a far higher rate compared to other algae types. I'll let you know when I start. That tank of yours look greats keep it up. I have always believed that the better reefers are the one's who can mantain the smallest inviroment and succeed. Having a big tank is the easy way out.
I take it this is the one you put on nano. I haven't read it all here but awsome job. And that mushroom if a fantastic colour.
I’m not going to spend all night going on a search. It is a statement based on what I have seen and noticed tends to happen with you. I think this forum should put stronger controls in place to keep vendor talk out of threads as most others do. Vendors should have their own section where people can talk to them freely if they want to. Doing so would only benefit you so why do you have an issue with it, I know the thought of agreeing with me on something is hard for you to stomach but you should be agreeing with me on this. It gives vendors their own section that they can control to promote their own products. The facility that is here is not that obvious "Commercial Trade and Exchange" should be opened out so you can see each vendors names on the front page not a link to them. Reef The first thing that you should have posted was the complete specifications of both units so they can be compared properly. Manufacturers tank size recommendations. (Do they match or are they a mismatch, I don't know myself and I'm sure there are a lot of others here that don't because they may not use them). Cost. Tell us why you think they are appropriate units to compare you must of had a reason. Find someone in the forum that has the most experience with the unit you are comparing to the Deltec and make sure you are running it correctly. I'm serious about the comment regarding my cheap skimmer I find it hard to believe that it would have finer bubbles than the one you have in the test but you seem to be stating that it does if that is the best you can do with the tuning. I can't say myself what you are doing wrong because I have not owned that brand. You need to remember or be aware that the vortex motion in venturi skimmers also causes a lot of the separation of waste, as well as the venturi and bubbles, so comparing bubbles is not that relevant if the vortex is stronger than the one with the finer bubbles. The bubbles only have to lift what has already been separated. Get someone else to do it. It doesn't matter if you are going to be honest or not. If you are the vendor of just one of them it will be seen as biased by people who don't know you. Why do you think companies get independent testing done on their products? Lastly ask everyone if there is anything else they can think of that they would like to see shown because I’m not the only one that seems to have an issue with it.
I'm refering to all brands and there variations not just Beckett. And yes after reading how I wrote it I see why you read it that way, sorry about that.