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new zealand discus man

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Posts posted by new zealand discus man

  1. Hi

    Yes that Phill Again...

    Notice thread still going..Anyway..Im about to pull breeding tank apart and remove the young ones..E mail me if want to order..$12.50 each as around 1/2 to 3/4 grown..Im not competing with imports as we all know they dont breed here usually..Mine are F1 from wild stocks..Phill

  2. Hi

    If the house is full insulated the use will be about 1/3rd less than if not..

    Think many of you have been to my 80 Square meter room..Its containing 124 tanks with an average of say...250 L

    The power for house 250 sq M and fish room is currently at $306 for both last month..Now because night temp has risen.{ Except the last couple of nights.} The ambent temp has gone up so big air con has been set lower and in about 4 to 5 weeks will be turned off..Till next march..

    Its the insutation and large volume of water that looks after is self..

    Also i full under stands with any spare ploy thats come from packaging on purchased items..That removed air..Its air that gets cold..But also remember if a lot of tanks using heats like say 200 W is very easy to over load standard house wiring..Better to heat the whole room with small air fan on thermostate......Cheers Phill

  3. Oh OK - phill what's the best way to adjust pH for say 200L?

    After the rain we have had this year i cant see roof being an issue..But for 200.L from 6 PH to 7.6PH is just about a rounded teaspoon of backing soda..5 Gms...To keep it there the the shell or lime stone is the long term key

    Simple tester will tell you if acid or moved up..

    Stevenson's depot at Drury have shell and lime stone at $10 a bag of 20 L each..If need just for one tank come see my and ill give ya some...Phill

  4. Hi

    PH is your problem...Rain usually is 6.5 PH and goldfish must have at least 7.5...

    Buffer with lime stone and backing soda to get PH up..I use rain in all 122 tanks and just have lime chips and cockle shell with africans are just fine. Can also increase hardness with spar pool stuff...My Tanks still get daily input of rain and PH stays up..

    By the way..I was the former owner of Burbank Goldfish Farm and bore water was so hard even malawi's would not have liked it...Phill

    Above is what i do...Phill

  5. Hi

    PH is your problem...Rain usually is 6.5 PH and goldfish must have at least 7.5...

    Buffer with lime stone and backing soda to get PH up..I use rain in all 122 tanks and just have lime chips and cockle shell with africans are just fine. Can also increase hardness with spar pool stuff...My Tanks still get daily input of rain and PH stays up..

    By the way..I was the former owner of Burbank Goldfish Farm and bore water was so hard even malawi's would not have liked it...Phill

  6. http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/files/im ... ic.all.pdf

    Above is the link to the latest permitted list..Also i submitted hundreds that were imported by us in the past and are on the list...BUT MAF still failed to include the list as was know in nz..They had it as i was asked to comment and add to it...Covered most africans here and many others...

    They just done half the job....Think as there was a big movement of staff..

    But also remember i still see current imports in stores that are on no lists...Never know your luck..What ever you want might just turn up.....Phill

  7. Hi

    Could also be as you got small starter grades...I have 4.5 cm in with all malawi's and fish dont even look at them..I also find when adding a new fish ..Before whoevers in tank..Stuff with food..Makes them then a bit lazy..Someting new is considered as might be snack here...But if that dont work ,,Put them in in the dark,But watch again at first light..But think size is the problem..Remember the rules..What gets in the mouth gets eaten.........Phill

  8. Yep and got it thanks to this site too.

    http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/fish-r ... 33322.html

    Not to long back a breeder had a room just like this as in photo's..

    Serious...He 's dead...Yes DEAD..Got sparks in the wrong place and got a fatal Shock...

    Its better in insulted your area and heat the whole area..Or Heat via a sump and no heaters in tanks.......To power filters and heaters..Its not hard to get to high kw of power required when adding all up..Often standard house wiring is over loaded..Take care...........Even with RCD unit it still can be dangerous unless hard wired into mains board...........Phill

  9. Hi

    By photos i pick black beard algae..I have it in a few tanks..it travels the world in minor form that you cant see..

    I have in one tank got so sick of spending $ on treatments and just came back i even left a tank enpty for 3 weeks and let dry..Mostly died out..

    The other is with amazon swords growing..Two flying foxes live in it and just feed once a week...Cant see it now after 2 months...

    Cheers Phill

  10. Hi

    PH is often wrong results if just a liguid tester..We use a digital PH meter frm dick smith ltd or others..Extremely reliable..Have buffer to set at 7..

    8 PH usually will mean a lot of lime added by water treatment plant..

    Most fish are not going to worry tho..

    Meters are $75 or there abouts and no guess work..Some testers have a set range like..6.8 to 7.4 is one very common..

    Your ammonia is likely to test wrong to i feel..But nitrite is far more dangerous..So just do water changes from hot water tap as heating removes chlorine..Bit often is best...........Phill

  11. Hi

    Add cycle or stress zyme..Millions of bactera per tea spoon .if Ph above 7 then ammonia is not the same..Changes to nano-ammonia and not so toxic..Nitrites still need keeping below 20ppm with water changes..Second week usually a lot better..Chin up...Phill

  12. Hi

    All my 124 tanks are u/g filters and Waikato River Sand..45mm thick There is a nylon pad on filters to keep from going through.. 5mm thick

    Warning.........The PH can drop ----> below 4 ----> Yes 4 PH :evil:

    To off set...Cockle shell is at Stevensons Depots...Cheep...A good hand fill is enough for 300 L tank ...I use 100% rain and only mains with africians..Tangs

    Dick Smith have digital PH meter for around 70 dollars..Colour PH testers cannot be trusted...My Views...Also Sand / Shell must be washed in say wheel borrow till runs clean water..Then...Dry out completely on concrete drive or simular..Water bugs cannot live when dry for a couple of days in good hot weather..Or chlorinate for 6 hours..Very strong chlorine..

    Sands advantages.....Baby fish cannot get lost in caves and food / droppings can just be netted off...

    Hope helps.....Cheers Phill

  13. Not to sure as to your point..But maybe you had better visit and see one of the largest privately owned Fish Breeding Business in New Zealand..

    See for your self..House and Land all paid for by fish..

    Im also the Former owner of Burbank Goldfish Farm..20 years there.

    Before that 12 1/2 years importing and supplies to pet stores and few owners are still the same..

    www.newzealanddiscus.co.nz Will give you some idea..80 square meters is fish room..

    To buying..If say i win an auction and dont like what i see or its not to spec then i dont buy..

    While this threat is actually about what maf did or not do...

    But i now have 13 types of african's and all at a fair price and all doing well..

    Most on the point of breeding...Also today i have see another fish thats not on permitted list.........My Views anyway........Phill

  14. Hi

    On link as march 2007..Thats the first for a few years..In the old list the names were not full latin..Many were just as say..corydora.spp

    So any corydora could be imported now just as shown on new list..

    So if you want a new name added its ERMA that give aproval to MAF then wait for years to be added because updates are usually years apart..

    MAF did receive a list as known already but i dont think it was included..

    Take L46 for sample..Did not see on list but known to be here.

    Also another main proble is latin names keep changing like...

    Pseudotropheus Zebra is now Aulonocara Zebra..And goes on..But to having fish as here now..Well if GE can be chased down...???.....Phill

  15. Hi

    Hunt pet stores for barly straw extract..By interpet if brains working.

    5ml treats 180L and costs about 30 bucks..Big container...Im trying it in several tanks and also for black beard aglae that has been hit with all and still is there..Plus cotton wool aglae just like yours...Florish XL did not keep it down just kept comming back..

    But dry tank it dont like...Good Luck..

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