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new zealand discus man

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Posts posted by new zealand discus man

  1. Hi

    Better protect that heater..They can break them real quick..Problem is with most biggggggggish fish is that ofen you have two males...They can kill each other...If pair then fighting is completely diffent and rare to got to far...Phill

  2. Hi

    To MAF New list..I was the one that did all the south american fish and no one else that i know if put up any other spec list..

    Thats why the list now legally is so restrictive..

    Also i understood hobbist were going to put forward lists via fnzas..

    Did that ever happen..????

    My list was accepted by maf because i found that erma had said one date and maf reversed it so any i imported years ago could be included..I eveb had to have a J P wittness my signing..Then maf had no legal choice but to add them all as inported before..Study the list posted and see all now have two names,not nessary to be latin either..

    Also i understood maf had a list of what was known to be in nz..

    That was never added to the new list..

    To breeding...I state yes..I breed as money making..Yes i state i use the best know breeders i can procure..

    Also i keep all types in seperate tanks..Even discus breeders are seperated into own spec tanks...

    But if you want the maf list to be increased then fnzas is the place to start up getting the spec list updated and to include all types....

    Unless you push the govt hard there might well be no imports as thats what i beieve maf want...........Back to firebird where this all started..

    As i said ill let ya know later...........Phill

  3. Yeah thats what I was getting at Simian. Although I am concerned of where the hobby is going with peoples attitudes towards breeding and selling to try to make a buck. Its more than just names too, selling every last fry with no regards to 'natural selection', inbreeding, breeding from low quality stock etc.

    I'm sure there will always be people who put producing the highest quality correctly named stock above quantity, and hopefully there's enough genuine hobbyists (not just fish-havers) willing to pay good money for these good fish.

    With out Business making Yes a Quick Buck there would be no Hobby..At All.

    With out Importers being profitable there also would be no Pet Stores selling Fish at all..

    As most have found out its extremely hard even to break even breeding ..Yes also in a large way..

    Yes Smell the roses long enough and you will come up roses...Phill

  4. Aulonocara Sp..

    Thats what used to be legal but not longer and that was my point...

    The name on MAF list is just Aulonocara Nyassae..Not legal to import any other now just because its the same group..

    Going back many years ago there was just Pseudotropeus and no other latin names..

    So called expects now have broken in to many groups and by the way..Australia last time i looked cannot import from Africa or South America..Full Stop...Thats why they dont say to much as there stocks a far worse than ours...

    Also to true lines..Most likely here there are very few because it will take one possibly 5 years of line breeding to see if stays true or x come creeping in........But at the end of the day...Ill know about where this started with about FireBird Peacocks..True Line or X............Phill

  5. http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/imports/ ... ic.all.htm

    Check out whats on it.. FEW...All others here are here because when small they cannot be id so in past years importers got all you see today..

    See Aulonocara..Just one legal...All the rest are not allow to be imported because the second name is different..Put that name and....

    Aulonocara nyassae ...Now go seach it...Google it

    Then the fun really starts..So the message is..Its up to each on what you keep and breed but dont forget..This will give all a headache...

    Whats here now are most likely x breed anyway..By that i mean go to a pet store and see all mixed up and yes we buy them..But another spanner in works is not all females are the same looking..I keep each type in own tank and when sold its out of all control what happens then..


  6. http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/a ... ibergi.php

    Think you are getting lost about different types..lemon jake is listed above..There are hundreds of malawi's we will most likely never see so im happy to have what i can at present...

    To Firebird..Just a name any way but dont change what the fish actually is..Im also happy to wait and see them colour in a few months..Then i will make my mind up as to id..If not happy then i can submit photo's to over sea's to get views...Remember ....Most fish arrive as small often un-coloured and of same batch and also means they are highly im-breed now..But also family back round can also be ?...Even before they get here...

    I have some jocob...that are just about black and what i thought were females may very well be males of ??? But still jacobfreibergi

    Cheers Phill

  7. Hi

    Using fans to move air is just lowering the temp..Air fans are not good at keeping an even temp anyway as regardles of air flow the hight up you check the hotter it is..My room near top is often 45c yet bottom tanks are 27c...

    I to used to try to even out but gave up as most electrical equipment to pack up because its to damp..Even electrical shorts start happening...Phill

  8. Brown based heckle mostly a wild caught from the amazon river,Sent into singapore then the here...I have one simular but more blue turq type but still get the heavy middle bar..If true that bar will not fade out...Phill

  9. Hi

    This is just all quess work..Ever fish keeper thats serous should own and be using a microscope......PH Meter..

    Rapid PH change can kill just about all fish in hours if huge ph drop..Like common to find tanks that had tap water and a few months later down to 4PH add new fish then dead quickly..

    Whats in the tank will give end results.. ie wood,shell,gravel..

    One cannot treat fish blindly because you think its..........

    Cheers Phill Ps.........Even a hand held simple one can see many bugs

  10. Looks like anchor worms called Lernia..Thats spots with hairs..Only can be removed by tweesers and put out,I have done many times before..

    The tail is most likely parasites that you cant see..Treatment is aquaflavin../ Meth Blue Together.........And plain salt at 1 tsp to 4.5 L

    I think it is most likely full of worms as that to can weaken them..i to got a female and found it full of worms that spread to my male and it died as could not handle the worms,shortly after the female to died from the damage done.Even tho i killed the worms {and still have in freezer }the damage was already done..

    I stopped importing discus for that main reason they are full of worms as they feed live blood worms from septic waste area's..Also a sorce for just about all diseases that live in water..

    I spent a fortune of treatments to clean out so at the end of the day,I will never buy another imported discus again..Just about every where i purchased them from had the same problems..

    Yes Discus are not good at handling any sickness or stress..

    Even the worming treatments can have them swimming as tho drunk or lying on the bottom for months..But if badly damaged then some just waste away..Or just do the discus trick and refuse to eat......Good luck..

    Cheers Phill

  11. Phil- If yours are F1 from wild stock they must have been imported or you caught them in the Wikato river, therefore imported stock does breed.

    They never have been prolific breeders.

    They are from Peru..Can find river but not just at this moment..Agree ..They dont drop hundreds of eggs or i would have seen them..Only in dark side of tank..Fry come out when bold enough..Phill

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