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new zealand discus man

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Posts posted by new zealand discus man

  1. Hi

    Good to see listings of what people have,,

    But to Panaque Vittata Its L 204 but size shown is over the top 130mm..

    I have had them years ago and Yes breed them with tanks full of old rotting tree wood..{ ex my bush area } at 100mm or old 4''

    They have been imported as young to grow to Aquarium Conditions..

    Im selling some But keeping some to breed myself..

    To Peckoltia Vittata its L 015 and is to small at 100mm and black bar is far wider..Panaque is nore pink bar and very fine.

    There is general confusion about all these catfish..But regardless of New names like Hyp, Peck,para,.Do search on fish base and you will see hundreds of names under Hemiancistrus..

    You mostly will not find new names because they have not been reg as so..

    AS Importer spend 100's hours trying to cross ref these new names and cannot find who names new fish found..

    Even Peru dont know and just name there own..

    But back to breeding Panaque..They are so rare that i have others that did not even get to my lists..Im keeping to breed.

    Also Peru Zebra { hemiancistrus } is had a growth jump here and with wellington customer.. { His words were { WOW } even at $95 are selling well..I do have guideline photo but very hard when camera crook..

    Mail direct to get a look see..

    But unless ya have a go .. Cheers Phill Collis

  2. Hi

    I have 124 Tanks mostly big like 180 to 300 liters with average of about 250 L

    If Discus get dark coloured i take PH down to 4 and have had as low as 3.6 with no sign to distress..I have had blue diamonds so sick with bactera attack thay lay on bottom for 7 to 10 days before getting up again.

    Two weeks later still at low Ph and have recovered..Key is Bacteria at 4 Ph cannot muliply so antibodies in fish get on top..And win..But to changing Ph i also have gone from 6.5 to 4 in one hour and still no sign of stress..

    But in saying this mostly not a good idea to allow changes to happen when gas turned off.Not every day..

    I have been trying plants and most cannot live in 95% rain and touch of mains.. Plus higher temps..But just got some Amazon swords to try..Hoping will help with nitrates..

    My newest invention is the adding of Enzymes to tanks ..Modified septic enzymes are now in general bulk supply { 25000 L } and i have had one New 270 L tank with stresszyme and enzymes and 11 adult Discus and two weeks later still not Nitrite.

    Looking when product is refinded will be marketing it under our

    New Zealand Discus Brand..Cheers Phill Collis

  3. Hi

    To breeding Wild Caught..

    If Adults are imported then true will be harder but mine are still young and will grow to adult under aquarium conditions..means better success..

    I will be keeping a group ,but i have breed from W C young Discus and they reportidly are even harder,, Have a go is the key..some will have success when others may fail.. That life,, Cheers Phill

  4. Hi

    I have approx 50 @ 70/75 mm bush just starting to show on some.

    Still pot luck to sex.

    They are Anctisrus Bushinose.

    Small white spots on head and back,many have also a mottled look.

    I have not see the local bn for years so cannot comment as to likeness.

    But even so they will be New Blood Lines..

    Sell from 28th at $35.00 each cheers Phill

  5. Hi

    Most stock in nz will be from same breeding..Its possilbe that different lines are here but most importers have been buying the same supplies from most likely singapore..and then being re-breed..

    I have Ancistrus Bushinnose in Quarantine from Peru..about 70 mm

    They are wild caught..and are from different rivers..

    Thats the key, I can see some have mottled pattern while others have small white spots..Shows different lines..

    Watch Commercial next week .. looks like all will be sold direct because of Pet Stores not Responding..also they have

    Cheers Phill Collis

  6. Hi

    Yes Ancistrus Family are on Planet catfish and Fish Base..Do search..

    Gives sizes..

    Most to about 150mm or the old 6''

    Then check out Hemiancistrus, just more spanners in the works, to work out what is really what...!! :-?

    Tell your pet stores i have 900 Amazonia fish in Quarantine..see if faces glow..

    Cheers Phill Collis :P

  7. Hi

    Store stuff seams to act so much slower than natural.

    But main idea is to culture own supplies in bulk to add to inflow fresh water ..

    Also looking at Protexin Multi Strain that is for Birds animals..Probotics..

    There is a Aquatic protexin but not in this country.waiting replys as to dose rates..

    This stuff is claimed to kill other virus and bactria,

    Cheers Phill Collis

  8. Hi

    With cultured Stresszyme or Cycle..

    The speed cyling will be based is how much you use..

    Go by instructions and yes it'll take a long time but in 270 litre tanks i put crc cap full.

    On about day 4 i might to see spike and do 30% change..usually thats it..

    Im doing trials on quarantine tanks that are sterlized between shipment with animal urine.. get good spike on 3 to 4 day with no fish . dump that water and refill and looks like cycling done..Might even try to old pee my selve..sound :evil: but thats is what is feeding bactria

    Cheers Phill Collis

  9. Hi

    Bk The last two treatments are not easy to get..Flub..is usually in large containers.. prazi if liquid same again..if liquid prazi...Take special care as it can make discus very unstable for months..could lie flat on bottom of tank and all that worring stuff..But if you get ..drop a mail and ill explain what i do..I have been using on goldfish for years..Both are protected by laws and cannot come from anywhere but vet..both white and you know what that means if found in transit..

    But with out microscope still like shooting with shotgun and hope you hit something.. :evil: Cheers phill

  10. Hi Fish poly box..1/2 fill with compost..size to suit i use big ones.

    Feed with luncheon under glass or plastic on top of mix.. small pcs at first till learn volume

    They will come up under glass and feed on food..they are dead clean and in clumps you can just pick up..been doing like this for 30 + years

    Others feed bread saoked in milk but can go off quicker,,in dec keep in bottom of old fridge ..dont even have to turn on..they dont like heat.. :P

    Cheers Phill Collis

    New Zealand Discus.. :hail:

  11. Hi

    i have done day 1 and then day 3 with water change between of 30%.

    believe you can just keep on going.. have read day one and two with out water changes but i have not actually done that..

    To metro treatment..can at 10mg / gm food..so take pills disolve in water and add to colour bits ..it will soak it up..trial and error as to water and bits.

    use only little water at first and add bits till all water gone in and bits sticky.

    leave for about one hr and then should be larger and not stick to fingers..

    Use on all feeding fish for 5 days with no other food..

    make up daily but if to much put in fridge but try to do just what each day needs.

    also kills tape worms ..

    repeat a week later and do as gut clean a week a month..

    with all this free if you have better go forth and sell some more discus to others.. Cheers Phill :P

  12. Hi you must treat all discus like that and angels or the same thing will happen again.. :evil:

    Dont worry i stock hundreds and all have been cleaned of bugs..

    Have you had stock lists..?? :roll:

    if want request via private mail..Cheers Phill :P:P

  13. Hi have posted this before but easy and costs a few bucks..

    Cycle or StresszFme bactrica .. in 275 liter new tank warm water..rain.

    in goes crc Cap Full in go discus up to 6 adults..

    Day 4 i start to see if nitrite is starting to show..yes..30 % warm same water from bulk tanks and them rare to see spike again..but they along with 124 others get even cold water if solar pipes are getting no sun..what sun..

    Thats about 10% ever day still rain and mains used 1 hr a week to add some minerals.

    6.5Ph.. Ammonia less toxic.. teaspoon salt to 4.5liters even improves

    reducing toxic levels.

    most fish will tolerate 6.9 Ph and thats when Ammonia changes characters and becomes much less toxic..

    And have posted before the values of fine gravel and u.g air filters..Billions of places of bugs to live.

    And for the ones that dont like u/g dont start up time wasting arguments again..

    Cheers Phill Collis :P

  14. Hi

    looks like both heximita and bactrica..Metronidazole at 10 mg per liter but looks to far gone.. treat for at least 5 days..

    But i saying that i have seen just like gas build up but still die..

    Also see post i put about epson salts

    Good Luck Phill Collis :P

  15. Hi all Cat Fish People..

    Looks like you are not reading commercial posts about importing from Peru.. :roll: :x

    17 rivers on amazonia and just 12 hour flight to Auckland..

    And i see talk about what people would like ,but i can help if you dont visit postings to see what people i like me as importer is offering.. :P

    Cheers Phill Collis

    Dont forget i make my own buniness rules ,often changes to suit times..

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