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Everything posted by repto

  1. can`t tell you that,would have to kill you!
  2. I might try it with a companion of similar size?give them heaps of live food to excess and the competition may spark its interest?watch them .
  3. The african villagers are no doubt quite pleased?? :rotf:
  4. i`d watch for too much humidity in there? also if they tip over on paper they will never right themselves and if they are too close to the heat bulb??they don`t last long??(been there ,done that!)
  5. saw heaps in the ponds at kaitoke gardens at the foot of the rimutaka hill this time last year?
  6. you in akld?should not be too hard to find a patch of kykuia(sp?)they do well on that stuff but just make sure you have a safe site to gather it from,even traces of herbicide/insecticide may not kill your breeders but will play merry hell with their fertility.gather in bunches which can be held together with a rubberband and stood in a jar of water to keep fresh,they mow it down and you chuck it out and replace with a fresh one.Take care of yourselves with regards to your breathing and lungs.They geneate alot of dust ,skin fragments etc that are often responsible for severe allergic reactions in some people.i had to give up on them as it was like having the flu permanently,got scabs up my nose that would not heal.Get a good dust mask or respirator.
  7. head out to bethel`s beach and walk back up the creek that runs down to the beach.should be some in the pools etc away from the main flowing part.used to be any way?would be surprised and sad if there were none there nowadays?
  8. actually thats why i chucked them in(locusts) was like i had the flu permanently?i did try a respirator thingy but too impatient etc to put it on?
  9. you should do a study?hours input,grass input,weight of food(locusts)produced against the time used..............locusts would whip the butts off them pesky crickets??? :nilly:
  10. give them a bulb and keep them warm!30 degrees minumum if you want breeding activity and plenty of fertile eggs?24 hr light will not worry them,regulate the heat by matching bulb wattage to the size of the enclosure.Some wire mesh etc for them to perch on by the heat source is good.Take the egg laying containers out weekly and hatch seperatley.cover the eggs with glapwrap to hold moisture
  11. sit by the fridge,when the motor starts they will come flying out,you may end up with more than you had before? :sml1:
  12. snails are good to promote the growth of infusoria but the worst egg eaters?don`t know if the jelly stops them but they can decimate goldfish spawn n no time?
  13. so,do they have the appropriate tourist visas,passports etc?
  14. perhaps you could try and build some mesh laying racks to simulate eggs suspended among plants?this would allow for better oxegen exchange around the whole egg and maybe improve hatchability?most of the wild spawn i have seen is pretty close to the surface?no signs of bad eggs or lack of fertility either?
  15. if a beardy can have 2 ,i think the frog deserves one?
  16. I found them totally boring,mind you I do prefer to leave things to their own devices other than feeding etc.Not one to handle things alot.The leopard i had was more intent on taking my finger or bits of it off?I had it for 6 months or so and never ever saw it eat?
  17. what do they do in the wild?oooh its a hard black one,I think I`ll wait till a nice soft newly hatched one comes along??
  18. take my hat off to you on that one,and a large portion of cricket flavoured humble pie!
  19. just lost 12 and a half minutes of my life watching your video,I think you need to get out more matt :lol:
  20. more so at this time of year.I would have thought they would be tucked away hibernating?
  21. no worse than the mynahs,blackbirds,waxeyes,rosellas,etc,etc that are already here?they seem to have managed to get rid of the rainbow lorikeets that were starting to breed up there.Maybe their gregarious habits went against them.The bulbuls may be a different matter.?
  22. no need to look at that link,you sound like you know it all?
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