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Everything posted by kiwiraka

  1. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_isopod and many sizes
  2. Pods come in a variety of colours...
  3. I'm currently culturing some sort of pod, they're yellow round and about one millimetre long at maximum, no visible legs or anything, just yellow blobs.
  4. If they were darting around they'll probably be daphnia, if the were moving at a more constant speed they'll likely be copepods
  5. There are two sides to any argument, just because there are two people that agree doesn't make their side right.
  6. A lot cheaper and easier than buying aquarium salt and mixing it themselves, and what about freshwater aquariums? Or do they only do salt water ones?
  7. Well, I don't watch the show, but let's say they buy an asian arowana, it costs them $2000, they charge an additional 20% for sourcing the fish for the client. They basically make a $400 profit. The asian arowana will outgrow the tank in ayear or two, that will be the clients problem. Does that answer your question?
  8. On top of labour they probably charge a certain percentage on top of the price of the tank, equipment and fish. So buying expensive fish will make them more money and rehoming them isn't their problem.
  9. I don't know much about genetics, but being able to genetically mutate an animal so that it passes the trait onto it's offspring sounds extremely unlikely.
  10. I don't think you'd make much money selling those decorations
  11. Not quite sure what you're implying? :dno:
  12. Sounds more like a correspondence sort of thing....
  13. Or research yourself and put together a list for others? :thup:
  14. Awesome to see fish that I've never been able to identify
  15. This actually happened in January during my ammonia spike, the kokopu survived the spike but sadly died shortly after from a fungal infection. I caught it June-July last year at about 5-6cm and it was about 12cm when it died around january the 20th. Seems quite young to have been producing eggs?
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