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Everything posted by kiwiraka

  1. Im under the impression that eels is being used to include nz shortfin, nz longfin and au longfin.
  2. I think the 810l or the 650 would be my top choices (obviously bigger is better so ill aim for the 810) Yes, i have heard that alot but in our drains we have a stretch of drain 1m wide and 3m long with over 15 15-20cm bandeds with only 1 with scars (which i suspect is actually from an eel), so im im guessing plenty of caves and a large tank they should be okay? If not i guess id just need another tank or two 8) Hmm, maybe 2 males and 4 females then, mine are still young so havent been a problem, luckily i only have 2. I would like a mix of crans common and upland but they are sparse uo here and i am yet to find any. For pumps id have 2 or 3 powerheads and a pump to push the water from the sump through the chiller and back to the tank and i will be going low light. But being up north i think i will aim for a 1 hp. This is going to be pricey, oh well :roll:
  3. Listening to the radio today and they were advertising a pig hunting competition, there is a "bounty" for pigs, possums, magpies and EELS!!! I dont understand how you can legally pay people to kill our native endangered eels! Pigs, possums and magpies are all considered pests but eels!?!
  4. As the title states i will not be starting this project for awhile, til next year (Money dependant) but im planning on getting it right. It wont be set up til i have everything ready e.g. chiller, sump etc... But being the impatient person i am i want to start planning and gathering decorations, the decoration part is easy but i need some tips on planning. My planned stocking is: 8 smelt (from a very healthy local population) 8 inanga (raised from whitebait for low impact) 2 torrent fish 2 giant bullies (moved to a different tank if they became a problem) 10 common bullies (i already have 6 or 8 ) 9 redfinned bullies (3 male 6 female) 3 banded kokopu (from the healthy population of (with over 30 breeding age/size) in our farm drains) 2 giant kokopu (will be raised from whitebait) What size tank would be needed? I want it to be understocked so im guessing well over 600 litres? And what dimensions? Ill be aiming for a large ground area of about 3 foot by 5, especially with all the bottom dwellers. And i have no idea how to build a sump so any tips or links would be appreciated.
  5. kiwiraka

    Hey there!

    Welcome Sorry for your losses &c:ry
  6. I think anyone with a garage will understand
  7. Looks good, just keep an eye on how much water evaporates....
  8. I did consider it, thats why i have 48 litres of ice (in 3 litre milk bottles) on standby, its currently taking 27 litres per dayto drop the tempeature from 18 degrees down to about 15 degrees. So its goingbto be time consuming but i feel confident i can keep the temp below 20.
  9. Sounds good except for the fact that we want to sell our house this summer and my parents might not appreciate a hole in the wall...
  10. Lol, i think youd be better off asking for one for christmas, theyre pretty expensive. Sigh.... I guess im going to be getting a job these holidays....
  11. But how strong would the pump need to be? And open windows + summer = mosquitos....
  12. Maybe trademe? Im definitely aiming for a chiller before the peak of summer.
  13. Yes theyre illegal, they will breed and take over your pond. If they are gambusia i recommend killing them. They may bully and kill your natives. To identify them if you can catch one and put it in a glass they look a lot like guppies.
  14. I dont think the photo worked, if you email me the photo i could have a guess. Edit: its working now. That top one is a galaxiid! The others look like gambusia, do they have scales? How big are they?
  15. Just wondering what causes shrimp to change colour. When i catch shrimp theyre always clear but ive had about six go brown one go gold and one go translucent pink (but he got eaten). Is it from their diet e.g. the pink one might have eaten a lot of heart?
  16. Thanks, my fish only have a few spots each so hopefully it wont be too persistant.
  17. 14 to 16 degrees, i only started quarintining my fish recently so i think its just been lying low...
  18. Tonight.... 2 inanga and a bully have whitespot :facepalm:
  19. I think its 2 teaspoons (someone else can confirm) add it gradually though to minimise stress to the fish. Btw it doesnt matter which one you use.
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