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Posts posted by kiwiraka

  1. Uploading with the insert media option doesnt appear to be working for me either. I use photobucket, or you can upload to members albums first.

    I've downsized my FW natives into a 200+ litre, just inanga and bullies at the moment. 

    I'm currently setting up a SW native in my 900 litre, I'll post pics of both later :)

  2. I now have all the equipment for my tank and I've filled it up with NSW (it's amazing how much water aquariums actually hold ;) ) I'm going with a 2cm sand bed. I know that brittle stars sort out detritus that gets caught under the LR, but what's the best critter for keeping the substrate clean? Surface and sifting.


  3. I have no idea what it is, but I agree about it likely not being  threatening. A fungal infection would be white and appear on or near an injury. This seems to just be growing across the carapace. 

    It should come off with the kouras next moult.

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