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Posts posted by kiwiraka

  1. Hello,

    I'm far from experienced on the topic (I've decided to try and involve myself a bit more....)

    I recently caught 2 of them about 6 or 7 cm and about a week ago I caught an 8 cm one and the other two were picking on it (In a four foot tank, seems unnecisary to be territorial when so small.....)

    I added some extra caves and a couple of Inanga, the kokopu is still a bit timid but he doesn't let the other two chase him now.

    Also both my inanga go really creamy and lose their patterns when they get stressed.

    Hope I helped.

  2. I love the look of koi... but probably not a good idea.... :cry1:

    So how hard would it be to breed some shubunkins to have a more koi like look?

    Will the colours be as bright?

    Can the yellowy white on some goldfish be bred to make it as white as you see in good koi?

    And could the red and black be selectively bred into a more vibrant shade?

    It's a shame that they don't grow as big as koi though... :(

  3. :wave: Hello.

    Im new here and I want to setup a native tank. I just thought I would start with a couple of questions.

    What is a good diet for koura with household stuff e.g vegetables and dog sausage.

    Also how well do banded kokopu do with koura and can they eat the same things?


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