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Posts posted by kiwiraka

  1. I have found 4 populations of bandeds around here, 3 also had inanga, the one population without inanga is our farm drains there are a fair few culverts on neighbours properties before reaching the sea. All our natives like cover but due to deforestation and farming that isn't possible in many areas (far north included)

    I guess it depends whether you're copying a specific stream or a specific habitat. Just another thought, kokopu seem to be more active if there are smaller fish out in the open (small fish = no big dangerous fish)

  2. I guess so..... But when bandeds get bigger they become more of a lurker, inanga are relatively active 24/7 all their lives.

    Yeah 2 should be fine, I was under the impression you meant more than that.

    With their natural enviroment banded and inanga are often found together which isn't surprising due to the fact that they both like slowish flow.....

  3. - Also, put a raw almond in once a week for your koura, they'll eat it for calcium when they need it (also remove it after a few days, they don't eat the whole thing and it will become a bit slimy).

    That's interesting, I didn't know almonds contained calcium? Another option for calcium would be would be bugs with strong exoskeletons I.e. beetles. Also they recycle most of the calcium by eating the exoskeletons they moult.

    Also you can feed them boiled peas as well as or instead of wafers.

  4. Just wondering how everyone (without a chiller) has been going, I'm still keeping mine around the 15 degree mark (I did a bit of a test to see how warm it would get without ice, I left it for 24 hours and it crept up to 19.8 so it appears that 3 litres of ice lowers the temperature by atleast 1 degree and gets back to original temp after 24 hours)

    What are your tanks currently sitting at or fluctuating between during the day?

  5. Willyp gave good advice, as he said koura are apparently exetremely sensetive to dechlorinaters.

    You can have all those together, just make sure they all have plenty of hiding places.

    Make sure you keep it below 20 degrees, with a banded kokopu and inanga you'd be best off getting a 4 foot tank. If you got a 200 litre you could probably have a banded kokopu, 5 or 6 inanga, 6 or 8 bullies and a couple of koura, as long as you keep it cold and oxygenated.

    Chillers are the best option, some of us use bottles of ice (can be time consuming, I currently only have to do it once a day but I suspect in the peak of summer I'll be adding ice between 3 and 4 times per day. So if you don't think you'll be able to keep it cold, you could build a summer pond for them (well shaded) and have them inside for the rsst of the year, but as long as you add enough ice you'll be fine.

    You haven't asked about feeding? Have you already read about it? Or are you assuming they eat commercial food? Natives can be really fussy, heart is the easiest staple diet, I've found they like softer meat, all my fish dislike ox heart(will still eat it if hungry), they like sheep heart (will eat it til full), love poultry heart (They will keep eating til they physically can't force anything else in). The best possible diet is live bugs, garden, pond or flying they're not fussy (about bugs). But finding (or culturing) enough food is almost impossible.

    Also add your area someone local might be able to help you find some fish.

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