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Posts posted by kiwiraka

  1. I did a bit of a Re-scape in my tank and thought I'd share. As always bad quality pics (Maybe I should just do that as my sig?)







    Some of the fish:


    My stocking is:

    2 Banded Kokopu

    2 Adult Inanga

    3 Smelt

    8 ish Whitebait (The excess Inanga will be put in a pond when they get a bit bigger)

    2 Koura

    10-15 Bullies (common and redfinned)

    4 Grey Mullet

    Any idea what this bug is? There's a dollar coin for scale in the second pic.



    It must have come with some live food, and it must have grown a lot because i haven't caught any bugs longer than a centimeter before.

  2. You asked for a photo so you get..... Whatever you'd call this.... 20141104_161411_zps33e8815f.jpg

    Terrible quality.....

    Anyway, the photo makes it look a little bit darker and doesn't really show the blue tint (it doesn't really show the fish..... )

    Having a close look at the fish it seems to have a slightly undercut jaw, definately shorter than the inanga and banded....

  3. I'd say banded, when giants first get their bands they seem to be more like spots that then become longer and connect over the top of the body, bandes just suddenly develop bands.

    And the second one is most likely an inanga, they are faster growers but are always relatively slender.

    Good job btw!

  4. The shortjaw that I've seen were quite pale compared to banded and koaro

    That would be cool, what are some early differences between koaro and shortjaw? Or do I just have to wait until they start taking on their adult body shape? Also they've been quite slow growing compared to the inanga and banded....

  5. Also why sand? Why not a gravel? A bullies natural habitat isn't in sand

    Not always, a few of my commons are from a lake (sand) and the rest are from a tidal stream(sand)

    And my redfins came from a clay river (no rocks or pebbles at all)

  6. I wasn't 100% sure where to put this but,

    I know that the albino allele is recessive to the normal allele, and all the basic things like a genotype of Aa and AA means a normal animal and aa means an albino. But does a carrier Aa show any signs of albinism?

    I have about 8 post whitebait, one is a banded kokopu, 5 are inanga and two are yet to be identified. The two unidentified fish look the same except one is brown like the rest of the post whitebait fish but one is a very pale cream with a blueish tint.

    Different colour, carrier of albinism or just a late colour developer?


  7. Koura and plants dont mix

    I knew I forgot something :roll: :nilly:

    EDIT: If you want to stop koura ripping, tearing and basically destroying all plants, You put the plants in a pot so that the lip of the pot is at least the same distance from the substrate as the length of the koura.... It doesn't look very organised though....

  8. I highly doubt tarndale are a realistic idea....

    Chillers are waterproof (they're designed for water to be pumped through them) but are pricey, I think there's one on trade ATM for 300, but it I'm pretty sure it's a small one.....

    If the tank is in a well shaded and windy spot and you keep the more temp tolerant species (bullies and inanga) it might be okay....

    you might want to see how hot it gets during hot days before you make any decisions....

  9. Also if you take a large number of natives take small numbers of young specimens from multiple healthy populations.

    To add: If you do plan on taking lots, take them from plenty of different populations or if you can find someone on here that's breeding bullies you might be able to get a few off them.

    I'm hoping mine start breeding soon :D


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